Jul 1, 2020

Why Dean Martin's Daughter Never Talks About Her Dad

The name Dean Martin conjures up images of a suave, laid back, multi-talented actor, singer, comedian, and all round entertainer. Known for his distinctive smooth voice and quick wit, Dan Martin was beloved by fans. He was also famously a member of the Rat Pack. Being such a well known public figure, you might not think that there is much about Dean Martin that isn’t known. However, thanks to his daughter, Deana Martin, some new information has come to light. Information that could change the way you see him forever. Credits

Jun 30, 2020

Teens Mock Son Daily, Until Dad Tells Him To Take Off His Coat

Everyone knows that bullying is a global problem that has been around much longer than there has even been a word for it. And it’s not only children who do the bullying or get bullied either. To make matters worse, many new forms of bullying have emerged over the years. While most children grow out of it, sadly some don’t and some adults keep bullying those around them, even children. Whether it is a way of taking out their frustrations or just sadistic pleasure, bullying can be very detrimental to those suffering through it. That’s why one dad decided to take some drastic measures. Credits

Jun 30, 2020

Dog Won't Stop Growing, Mom Checks DNA Test And Realizes Why

She received a call one day, She had to stop what she was doing and get to Broward County immediately. When she gazed up at the enormous animal with her own eyes, she was quiet. Knowing just how much strength lay in the muscles under the dark fur, looking the animal right into its eyes was a bad idea. She felt uneasy. There was deception, she knew that. The DNA test made her sure of it. Now she just wanted to make sure the beast wouldn’t need to pay. BBC

Jun 28, 2020

Girl Darts Out Restaurant Bathroom, Mom Looks Closely at Leg and Sees Why

The restaurant fell silent as everyone turned to see the source of the commotion. A little girl ran from the bathroom, crying to her mother. Naturally, this distresses her mother who immediately tries to find out what’s causing her daughter to cry like that. The mother tries to console her bawling daughter and asks, “What’s the matter?” Her daughter, Kayla, is crying so much, however, that she can’t get the words out to answer her mom. That’s when her mother, Nicole, looks down and notices something on Kayla’s leg.

Jun 28, 2020

Drone Captures Things At The Best And Worst

In recent years drone technology has improved in leaps and bounds. Drones have much greater capabilities than before and they have moved from being military hardware to becoming popular consumer and hobbyist items. Even the consumer level drones have improved flight capabilities and high-resolution cameras. However, as drones have become more and more accessible to the public and become a growing hobby item, people have been exploring more and more. Thanks to this we have some amazing photos that have been captured by professionals and amateurs alike that we would never have seen otherwise.

Jun 26, 2020

The Move That Forced 'Pawn Star' To Disinherit Son

*If you’ve ever watched the History Channel’s “Pawn Stars” you’ll know that at the very center of the show lies the close bond between the family that runs the famous shop. You’ll also know how much the family patriarch Richard loved Rick, his son. *This is why when it was discovered that “Old Man” Harrison had left Rick out of his will it caused quite a stir. No one could understand what could possibly have caused him to cut Rick out. But when more details emerged fans were even more shocked. Image:Credits

Jun 24, 2020

Cat Won't Stop Staring At Dad All Night, Dad Checks Video And Realizes Why

At last! Daniel had finally found the proof he had been hoping for. However, even so, he couldn’t believe what was staring him in the face. Even so, he finally had answers to the questions he had wanted answered. He skips back to the beginning of the video clip and starts again, feeling uneasy as he watches what he had captured on camera. He always knew there was something strange about Muffins, his cat. This was not what he had expected, however.

Jun 18, 2020

Mom Hires Babysitter Then Receives A Worrying Text

She desperately tried to hide, trying to make herself as small as she possibly could while still trying to keep an eye on the door. She made sure that her niece was safely behind her, urging her to crouch behind the toilet. As terrified as she was, her biggest concern was keeping her niece safe. She braced herself for the inevitable. Soon they’d be found. That’s when she felt something that gave her hope. She’d forgotten what was in her pocket. Credits

Jun 8, 2020

15 Crazy Rules Ellen Degeneres Forces Her Audience To Follow

The Ellen DeGeneres Show is undeniably one of the most popular talks shows in America. While it is common knowledge that getting tickets can be incredibly hard, many other stories have emerged from past audience members about the rules they have to abide by. To some, these rules seem too strict. What do you think about these rules? Image:Credits

Jun 4, 2020

Dad Puts Recording Device In Her Hair, Catches Teacher In The Act

Tomas Valero knew that something was very seriously wrong when his daughter started to come home from school crying every day. He knew that he would need to be very crafty and cunning if he was going to get to the bottom of it, however. Tomas eventually devised a plan to find out what was going on. The answers left him horrified when he not only discovered what was happening but also realized that it had been going on for some time.