Aug 24, 2021

Janitor Hears Weird Noises Coming From Outside, Finds An Abandoned Puppy With A Sad Message

A school janitor was getting ready to finish his shift when he heard a weird noise coming from the door. Curiosity got the best of the janitor and he decided to check out what kind of animal was making those mysterious sounds. To his surprise, it was a box with a small puppy and a sad message... Photo: Courtesy of

Dec 16, 2020

Bride Leaves Everyone In Shock After She Calls Her Husband's Ex-Girlfriend To Stand Up

What do you think is going to happen when a bride asks her husband’s ex-girlfriend to stand up during the wedding ceremony? Even though we all believe that the bride wants to start drama during her big day, this is not the case for Katie Hild. No one was prepared for what Katie had to say during the wedding ceremony to her husband’s ex and we promise that you will be shocked too!

Oct 8, 2020

Wild Deer Gets In Trouble, Brave Man Comes To The Rescue

People should learn that every time they go out in the woods that they need to recycle everything. Make sure to never leave any thrash behind because the wild animals might mistake it for food and eat it. Even worse, some animals get trapped in the garbage and they don't have any way to get out. This is exactly what happened to a deer who get her head stuck in a pretzel jar. The poor deer has been running around with the jar stuck on her head for nearly one week! Basmati

Oct 8, 2020

Service Dog Calls 911 On Special Phone And Then Runs Through Fire To Save Blind Owner

Today we have an incredible story to show you about a service dog named Yolanda that saved her blind owner’s life by calling 911 and pulling her out of a burning house. As crazy as this might sound, service dogs are actually trained for this type of situations and Yolanda was simply doing her job. With that said, let’s get into it. aarp

Sep 29, 2020

Signs You Might Be In A Toxic Relationship

No relationship is perfect, everybody knows this simple truth. When two people decide to start a relationship, they come with their own baggage and conflict is sometimes unavoidable. However, for the most part, a good and healthy relationship will make the partners feel secure, cared for and respected. But what happens when these conditions are not met? The relationship becomes toxic or in some cases, even abusive. In order to recognize or, even better, prevent this kind of unfulfilling relationship, you have to know the signs. Photo: Courtesy of

Sep 8, 2020

Elite US Special Forces And Their Secrets

The US government has tried to do its best to keep all the details about their Special Forces secret because their missions must be secret as well. But we all know that many of the Special Forces have somehow managed to be under the spotlight, starting with the Navy SEALs that raided the compound where Osama Bin Laden was. But what if we told you that many of the things you knew about the SEALs were not quite true and that there are many other facts that we haven’t noticed? Here are some things you might have missed about the US Special Forces.

May 1, 2020

Alcatraz Prison Facts That Will Send Chills Down Your Spine

The Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary is one of the most infamous prisons in the US and the most terrifying and manipulative inmates were transferred there in order to make it impossible for them to escape or to “grease the pockets” of the guards in order to provide them with services. Most of you might know that the most famous person to get locked up in Alcatraz is none other than Al Capone who was the biggest mobster to ever live. However, there are many other interesting facts about the “unbreakable” prison that will send chills down your spine.