The Treasured 1-Dollar-Bill
Grace was diagnosed with cancer and went through surgery and chemotherapy in 2001, and then again in 2004. Each time Grace would feel blue, Bilello would always come up with the funniest and silliest ways of making her feel better. On one of those days, Billelo suggested they both sign a 1-dollar-bill and to keep them treasured in his wallet as a memory.

Bilello kept the bills for nearly a year, when one day he accidentally used them without even noticing. In 2014, after battling against cancer for 13 years, Grace died, leaving Bilello heartbroken. A few years later, he went to grab some lunch with his granddaughter Ashley, and as he paid his 7-dollar sandwich and received his 3-dollar change, he realized that one of the bills had Grace's signature on it! It's needless to say that he'll treasure that bill until his last day.