Harry Potter Fan Teaches Her Dog To Respond To Wizard Spells

20. Meet Anna

Voice over and screen actor and Potterhead Anna Brisbin

19. Mythical Worlds

Anna is a big fan of the Harry Potter books and she always dreamed about the magical world of Harry Potter ever since she was a little girl. In fact, one of her biggest inspirations is none other than JK Rowling.

18. The Harry Potter Universe

There aren’t that many people who can create a magical universe as JK Rowling does and this is why her books are so special. Now that we presented which books are Anna’s favorites, you will understand why she named her dog the way she named him…

17. Remus Lupin

This little fella is Remus Lupin and she is Anna’s dog. In fact, Remus is much more than just a dog to Anna, he is her son! Can you figure out why his name is Remus Lupin?

16. The Big Werewolf

You guessed it! She decided to honor her favorite character, Professor Remus Lupin, who was cursed with lycanthropy as a child and therefore, he became a ferocious werewolf at midnight.

15. A Special Buddy

Despite his small size, Anna decided to name her dog Remus Lupin after the werewolf from the Harry Potter series. Although, this is not the only thing that Anna did with Remus.

14. Clever Little Guy

What we didn’t mention about Remus Lupin is that he is not just the cutest dog you will see today, he is also the smartest! Remus Lupin is a clever little guy and this made it possible for Anna to teach him some special commands.

13. Cute Dog

Anna has spent a couple of months with a wand in her hand trying to teach Remus some special tricks. These tricks are a bit difficult to learn for most dogs, but not for Remus!

12. Fun Joke

Anna always wanted to become a wizard, like in the Harry Potter Books, and she taught Remus to respond to spell commands, just like Anna read in the books.

11. Dressing Up

First things first, Anna made sure to dress Lupin in proper Wizard clothes before showing off his special skills. As we can clearly see in the picture above, Remus looks quite sharp in a wizard robe.

10. Wingardium Leviosa

The first command that Anna gives to Remus is “Wingardium Leviosa” and as soon as she starts moving her wand, Remus stands up on two feet! Isn’t that hilarious?

9. Avada Kedavra

It didn’t take long for Anna to get to one of the most famous spells from the Harry Potter books and while she said “Avada Kedavra”, Lupin fell on his back and acted dead. Anna is definitely ready if she ever gets from a visit from the one who shall not be named.

8. Revelio!

The funniest spell that Remus learned is “Revelio”. Every time that Anna say “Revelio” and she waves her wand, the dog jumps out and makes himself seen. This is not the most difficult spell that Remus learned.

7. Accio Ball

Another funny, but a useful spell that Anna has taught Remus is “Achio Ball”. The clever dog knows that whenever Anna says “Achio Ball”, he needs to fetch the tennis ball.

6. Engorgio

“Engorgio” has to be Remus’s favorite spell! “Engorgio” means that Remus gets to eat all the doggy treats that he wants. All these spells have tired Remus and he needs to take a nap.

5. A Nap

Even though Remus loves it when Anna uses the “Engorgio” spell, there is something that he loves a little bit more and that is to take long naps in the middle of the day!

4. Yummy Wand

From the looks of it, Remus is not that afraid of the wand. Anna should make sure to hide it somewhere safe because if Remus manages to get his paws on it, the wand might end up all chewed up.

3. Strong Bond

The story of Anna teaching Remus all those spells shows us that the connection between a dog and his owner is an unbreakable one, just like a spell! Don’t you think so?

2. Fun Adventures

While Anna and Remus might have lots of fun inside the house by casting spells from Harry Potter’s spell book, they have the most fun when they go out the house adventuring and this picture serves as proof of that.

1. Dreams

Anna has always dreamed of visiting the magical wizard school that Harry Potter attended when he was little and while this might not be possible, she can always live that dream when she gives commands such as “Leviosa” to Remus.