This Man Traveled In Time And Has A Photo To Prove It!

This unidentified man says that he is part of an elite time-travel program that is not public to society yet. Believe it or not, he says he brought a photo from the future: the year 6000 D.C!

Perhaps the most famous book about time-travel is The Time Machine by the famous novelist H.G. Wells, who wrote it in 1895. The concept started to come up during the 18th century in stories where people could go through the past and future without a problem. Up to these days is a subject that is still booming.

Nowadays it's really common to see this topic in movies, like in the Back to the Future trilogy and television shows such as Doctor Who. We don't have the specific mechanics they use to travel in time but they put more attention to the interaction with the past and what effect it could have in the present.

Scientists still believe that this is not possible in real life. However, there are some of them who think this "could be" possible but there is still not a time machine, at least one that society knows of. The fact that we don't see time-travelers from the future proves us this.

But all of this can change due to the recent video that posted ApexTV on YouTube. They call themselves "one of the biggest voices of paranormal on YouTube" and they collect different time-travelers experiences. Let's see what they have to share with us!

An unidentified man contacted the program and said he had something to share with society, so the channel sent a group for an interview. Without telling us where were they o who was this man, he affirmed he is a successful time-traveler.

According to his story, he's part of a top-secret program that sends people to different periods of time. Despite his incredible story, he was convinced of all this and continued explaining more about this program. Let's continue and see what he had to say!

This anonymous man confirms that these experiments exist since 1990. He says that dogs and cats were sent through time but also they - we never know who - were successful making people travel in time. Following his story, these experiments will be public to society in 2028.

Despite what we believe, he declared he was sent to the year 6000 D.C! In the time he was in the future, he says he has a lot of things to tell us about the future of our Earth. Let's find out!

The first thing he says is that in the year 6000 D.C it is common to travel in time, especially to go back to the past to witness important historical events. But maybe the most important thing he has to say about it is that people will be able to travel being invisible and without affecting the events.

Continuing with the characteristics of the society in 6000 DC, there will be no diseases such as cancer —doctors will have to find its cure way before that year. But also the human governments will not exist because artificial intelligence (AI) will replace humans and, according to this man, they will do it much better than humans! See the next page for more details about this.

The man explains that these AI are better than humans because they don't make emotional decisions during their government as humans do. He says that humans make correct decisions by following their emotions but that most of the time, they don't.

This anonymous man also says that in the future, computers will give people a kind of immortality and also, the chance to upload our consciousnesses and live forever. Should overpopulation become a problem, he gives us peace: in the future people will be reduced and be sent to live in smaller cities and smaller realities.

In the majority of the video, he doesn't show us a lot of proof to confirm that he is telling the truth. Although there is a moment when he breaks and cries as he remembers a friend that —according to him — was forced to stay in the future, his story seems really weak. But, against any criticism, he shows us a strong piece of evidence: a photo that he claims was taken in the year 6000 DC!

With a little disappointment, we see the photo he wants to share with the audience. What we are able to see seems to be some sort of city but we can't be sure. According to his testimony, the photo is a little distorted because "time-traveling makes the pictures get diffuse and other things too."

According to his vision of the future, humans will live in a much happier Earth than the present one. Without diseases and death, people will enjoy life. But can we really believe him?In order to the evidence and the story he told, we can't be really sure.

Although this story may seem a little crazy for us, a lot of time-travelers have appeared throughout history. For example, in the year 2000 a man called John Titor created an online cult. On his web, he posted different messages and he said he was visiting the present from the year 2036. He faded from the public eye when all his predictions started to fall.

However, this is not the first time that photos from the future are presented as evidence that traveling in time is possible. For example, there was a lot of debate around a photo that was taken in 1941 in a bridge opening in Canadá, where we see a man wearing clothes that are way more modern than those worn back in those days. In the end, it seems that it was possible to wear sunglasses like those and logo sweaters in those days.

The scientific community agrees that these days and up to a very far future, unluckily, it is not possible to travel in time. Testimonies like that of this man are not the first ones despite the recent popularity this video has. But if in the year 2028 a time-traveling machine is shown to society, we are going to remember this video and perhaps be more hopeful about the future.