What's Your Best, Pettiest Revenge Story?

Mind Games

  1. u/a-dizzle-dizzle

    My mom had a fantastic one. She was a language teacher at my high school and years after I had graduated, she called me kind of upset because a group of guys was trying to make her look dumb. The class was supposed to write one of those team dialogues in Spanish, and had a week or so to prepare it, then had to perform it in front of the class. When she called for them to do theirs, they said, "But we already did ours, we're not doing it again." She said, "You definitely didn't do it, I don't have any record of it here and I would remember it if you had." They refused to do it, insisting they already performed it and that it was her fault she didn't take notes/scores down.

    She was feeling puzzled and questioning herself, when one of the good kids came and said, "They didn't do it - they were bragging about making you look stupid and threatened the whole class if they told you anything. But please don't tell them I told you this, I don't want any problems with them." (These were those stereotypical dumb jock types who everyone was scared of for whatever reason).

    My mom was really into yoga at the time and got a great idea while meditating. She went in the next day and said, "Boys, I owe you an apology. I found my notes on your presentation and I do remember it, I don't know how I forgot!" She went on to describe all the grammatical mistakes they made, that their dialogue hadn't been as long as required, that they didn't include the necessary vocabulary, etc. All made up. She failed them all on the project and they couldn't do a thing about it without admitting they'd made it all up.

Sometimes, even teachers can't escape their student's bullying. This wise woman, however, had the most creative reaction to a silly prank.

The Secret Sauce

  1. u/pipenho

    In seventh grade I used to take home-made lunch to school. We prepared our own salad dressing (lemon juice, salt, oil, etc), and one kid decided it would be good to steal it, and drink it before lunch time. I asked him not to, but he continued to drink it, but started doing so in one gulp so I couldn't stop him. So instead of making a huge deal, I prepared two salad dressings. One that I would actually use on my salad, and another that had all the liquid condiments I could find in my mom's kitchen. It was really fun to see his face as he drank it.

    He never stole my salad dressing again.

    EDIT: to answer some questions, it was a type of vinaigrette. As someone said below it's nice to taste a little when preparing. As you can imagine, it wasn't the first time it had happened, and I had already asked him to stop. By then it was more of a "what are you going to do about it" rather than anything else. He got what he deserved.

This one gives rise to so many questions, though... For starters, who in their right mind drinks salad dressing? In this case, revenge was served not only cold but also seasoned...

An Awkward Conversation

  1. u/yeahhtrue

    Back in college, I was sitting in the library trying to work on an assignment. All was quiet for a while until this one obnoxious guy came in and sat at a table near me and proceeded to pull out his phone and have the loudest, most obnoxious conversation with one of his friends. Lots of "BRO, SERIOUSLY BRO?" and yadda yadda. I was about to pack up my things and find somewhere else to work when the conversation turned to Netflix. The guy told his friend he should just use his account, and proceeded to loudly state his email address and password for all to hear. This was too good of an opportunity for me to pass up, so I promptly logged in and navigated to the "LGBT" section and started adding the gayest movies I could find to the top of the queue.

    I like to think that both guys ended up thinking the other one added the movies to the queue but were too shocked to ever say anything to each other.

This teaches us that while at the library, you should be mindful of other people. You might get on someone's nerves...or worse...

Steamy Tater Tots

  1. u/Azh_adi

    I was casually walking my pup in the same area I usually do. It's a nice trail surrounding a wetlands reserve and there's generally a lot of dog walkers and people riding bikes. The schools around here just let out for the day and there was a group of three boys riding there bikes coming from behind me. I could hear their muffled talking and giggling and all of a sudden they were a few feet behind me and one of them yelled, "Hey! Catch!" and through some crumbled paper at me.

    I couldn't care less about the paper but the yelling scared my lil pup so I was naturally angry but being awkward I didn't say anything. What am I going to do? Beat up some kids? I did have my pups steamy tater tots in a bag and as they road off I lightly tossed it. By God it lands in one of the kids hoodies... AND HE DIDN'T NOTICE. They were too busy cackling away at how they, "Got eeemmmm". I saw them riding ahead and it took maybe a hundred yards before he noticed there were some little round brown dumplings in his hood. He screamed and threw the bag onto the ground while the other two died laughing. They looked back at me but i was so far behind them that they just road onward.

    I also couldn't help myself and laughed as I picked up the poo and threw it out a few minutes later. You know... got to be a good citizen and all that.

While it's important not to let anyone bully or make fun of you, it's also important not to neglect your duties as a good citizen.

Bad Tippers

  1. u/Whosyabobby

    I used to deliver pizza for Dominoes. It was my last shift and there was this house that was always rude (I called to asked what the house looked like and they said "I gave you the address" and hung up), never tipped, etc. I got to their house and they gave me a check for 1 cent less that what the total was. I said "I am going to need the extra penny". They grumbled off and took their time hoping I would give up but I just sat there holding the pizza. They finally came back all pissed off and gave me the penny. Note that they had no intention of tipping. They gave me the penny and I chucked it out into the street and left. They saw me do it. It was SATISFYING.

This is what happens when you're rude to restaurant workers. It could've been worse though - at least he didn't spit in their pizza!

You Won't Get My Money

  1. u/Gertrude907

    A woman in my town is a Principal at a local elementary school. She is in her mid 70s (at least). I asked someone why she doesn't retire and they explained that she and her spouse went through a very contentious divorce about 15 years ago and she has to give him a portion of her retirement so she has decided to NEVER retire so he gets nothing ever! Hahahahaha.

Divorce stories are always petty, but this one is just on another level. This woman would rather work for the rest of her life rather than giving her ex husband a single penny.

The Most Epic Comeback

  1. u/-jackschitt-

    My history teacher would spend half the class making jokes directed at the students. One student in particular always took the jokes on the chin and never really made any comebacks.

    Eventually, the teacher called him out and jokingly lectured him about standing up for himself. He ended his rant with "You've gotta be a man. You've gotta be like me."

    The student replied with: "Well which one? Do you want me to be a man or do you want me to be like you?"

This is what happens when you pick on someone and let your guard down. Eventually, they're going to talk back and humiliate you.

Don't Mess With My Chocolates

  1. u/VictorBlimpmuscle

    My wife used to keep these little Godiva chocolates that she likes in her desk at work, but started noticing some of them missing and figured it must be someone from the overnight cleaning staff taking them. Fed up with losing her not-inexpensive treats, she decided to get revenge on the choco-thief in question by replacing the good chocolate with little squares of chocolate laxatives that look just like real candies. The next morning she saw several of the laxatives gone, and then from that day forward, she was never missing another one of her good chocolates ever again.

This story clearly shows why you should never steal someone's food, unless you're ready for the consequences...

The Perfect Revenge

  1. u/Tsquare43

    In college (early 1990's), I lived with several guys in a suite. One liked to call me "chunky A", yes, I was chubby (I still am, but I have lost a lot of weight and I am continue to lose more). I asked him politely but firmly to not call me that. He laughed and did it more.

    I proceeded to call up every info-merrical I saw on TV to send him baldness cures (he was losing his hair), Tourist information from places like Iowa and Nebraska, had information sent to him about adult bed wetting, etc.

    He accused me of it, and I told him, why would I do such a thing to him? I kept it up for 2 years while he lived in the dorms. His junior year, he moved out to an off campus place. I found out where he lived and I waited a couple of months and started it all over again. Yeah, I bombarded him with junk mail.

This prank was perfect, because there was no way the guy could figure out who was making those calls. Too bad we can't do this anymore with the newest technology.

Fine, Take The Car

  1. u/flintlock519

    Story from my parents who are lawyers. So throughout the divorce proceedings, there was a car that was a huge point of contention between the husband and wife. After months and months of saying he would never let the wife have the car, the husband concedes in exchange for something great, like one of their summer houses. It turns out he had been driving the car for 3 hours everyday in a big loop around the city, putting thousands and thousands of miles on it basically making it worthless. The amount of planning and spite that went into that was amazing.

Is it worth it to invest hours upon hours of your life into some petty revenge? Well, according to this guy, yes.

The Wrong Answers

  1. u/45MinutesOfRoadHead

    A girl on my softball team bullied me and spread rumors about me to the team and coaches. We were competing for the same position.

    She was in my geometry class and tried to buddy up to me because I was good at geometry, and she wasn't. So for a while I let her copy my homework, then one day I gave her all the wrong answers and turned in the right answers for myself.

This is one of the smartest ways to get revenge on someone because they can't say anything without incriminating themselves as well.

An Unfortunate Accident

  1. u/Typingbutnotworking

    My little brother and his girlfriend came to stay at my house for the weekend, and the girlfriend was super self centered and obnoxious. When they left, she forgot her clothes and toiletries because she left them sprawled all over my bathroom.

    About a week later, she and my brother moved into an apartment together. After he paid for the moving truck, deposit and utilities, she cheated on him with her ex and kicked him out of the apartment. This left him broke, homeless, and heart broken.

    In the days after the breakup, she kept calling and emailing him several times per day, demanding that he ask me to ship her clothes and toiletries back to her ("I mean, it's really important. It's my NORTHFACE.") My brother called and pleaded with me to ship them to her so she would stop having a reason to contact him.

    Being the loving sister that I am, I gathered up the Really Important Northface sweatshirt, shorts, underwear, shampoo, conditioner, soap and razor. I folded everything nicely. I then wrote a nice note apologizing for taking so long to mail them to her, and let her know that I hope all is well. The note was written in permanent marker, and the paper happened to be resting on the Really Important Northface when I wrote it. Unfortunately, the ink bled straight through the paper and onto the shirt. Also unfortunately, the shampoo, soap and conditioner caps were not tightly secured on their bottles, and the contents leaked out all over the clothes, further spreading the ink. The most unfortunate result, though, was that her razor didn't have any sort of protective cap or container and left little slashes all over the front of the Really Important Northface.

    She received the package, and my brother never heard from her again.

This brilliant revenge plot could be explained away by saying it was just an accident. However, everything was very intentional.

Got Milk?

  1. u/Decaposaurus

    Sounds a lot like the story I heard from a similar thread last week. Guy was tired of his roommate drinking his milk. So he put laxatives in the milk and the roommate had to go to the hospital because he was dehydrated. He just told the guy he must be allergic to milk.

This guy was so tired of his roomate stealing his milk that he sent him to the hospital. This is why you should never mess with people's food.

Horrible Boss

  1. u/[deleted]

    Unused to work shifts many years ago, including regular night shifts. My boss was an unpleasant person to say the least. He would leave his keys on top of his locker. One night I took a small file to work and filed down one or two teeth of his front door key. The next day he was telling everyone of how he got home and his door lock was broken and he had to get a locksmith out which cost a fortune and he didn't get much sleep. Happened again a couple of months later.

    Then his car key got some treatment. I stopped after that as I heard him mention it was getting suspicious that all these locks stopped working.

    But, unknown to me, other colleagues also disliked him. One night his locker disappeared entirely. Rumour has it that it's part of the foundations of an office block in London now.

This boss was so awful that all his employees decided to join in this revenge plot.

Smart Revenge

  1. u/badawfulperson

    This was my best revenge. I went through an awful divorce. My ex-wife cheated on me, told lies about me and all throughout the divorce I took the high road and was there for my kids while she disappeared off the face of the earth. Her birthday was only a couple of weeks after the divorce was final. As the kids were young I was a good guy and purchased several presents from the kids to her. Among the gifts I bought a necklace with a big red A at the end. Her first name is Ann. I had the kids give that to her and she wore her scarlet letter all around town. Most people in our town knew what she had done and some even were aware of the necklace. Yup, I made my adulterous ex-wife wear the scarlet letter.

You have to be smart to understand how this revenge plot worked, and this woman clearly wasn't.

They Deserved Each Other

  1. u/underthetootsierolls

    My mom & dad. This happened when I was in my late twenties. My mom & I were in the car. My dad called and they started bickering with each other. My mom got irritated, and hung up on him. He called her right back, and when she answered he hung up on HER! Didn’t even say a word just waited for her to pick and and hung up. It was so petty and hilarious to see my parents acting like children. I couldn’t stop laughing. They’ve been married over 35 years. I still get tickled when I think about that.

It's clear why these two people were married - they were equally petty.

Kids Are No Exception

  1. u/mustard_fox

    Sharing a holiday home with some friends and their 10 year old son started to be a pain. Not helping around the house and crying if he didn’t get his way. His parents decided to just let him sit and watch YouTube on his iPad instead of disciplining him. So I logged into the internet router and would use admin privileges to suspend his device from accessing the internet. As soon as he got up to ask his dad for help I would reactivate the device so it seemed as if nothing was wrong. I did this every day for two weeks.

How petty do you have to be to get revenge on a little kid? Well, this man seems to be very, very petty.

The Smartest Kid

  1. u/damnit_bemo

    Being the youngest brother, I would only get hand-me-downs. My older brother rubbed it in my face that he got a brand new pair of PF Flyers after Sand Lot came out. Everyday, I would stuff the toe of the shoes with tissue paper, adding a little more each day till he thought he outgrew them. Got slightly worn, PF Flyers, after about a month.

This kid was very smart, as opposed to his older brother, who clearly wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

This Is Why You Don't Cheat

  1. u/Thenevermore52

    During my Freshman year of high school I was in a biology class that was made up of mainly juniors. This one guy, who sat next to me, would always be a jerk to me during class. I always did well on the tests so he would always look over and copy the answers from my scantron. I'm pretty sure he didn't realize that I knew he was cheating off of me. Well one day I got fed up with this guy messing with me and cheating off of me. So the next test comes around and sure enough he starts copying my answers. I finish the test and so does he. He gets up and turns his test in and comes back to his seat. I looked him in the eyes and proceeded to erase my entire scantron. I then retook the test, this time marking the correct answers. The look of panic in his eyes was so satisfying. He ended up making a 2% on that test and never cheated off me again.

This smart kid let this boy know that he was messing with the wrong guy in a very clever, assertive way.

Something Stinks

  1. u/pumpkin_lord

    I'm am accountant not a divorce lawyer. Had a client hide Ziploc bags of ground meat throughout the house (in air vents, the attic, behind water heater etc.) I think it was at least 20-30 bags that took months to find all of them.

A man going through a divorce had a great idea to drive his ex-wife insane. It would be obvious that he was to blame, but he didn't care.

Picking On The Wrong Kid

  1. u/[deleted]

    In grade school, I kept a bag of chips in the same pocket everyday of my backpack. This kid I knew would punch that pocket any chance he could for 5 days in a row. One day I replaced the chips with a bag of sewing pins. He never did it again.

    Sweet sweet justice.

It's always satisfying to hear a story about a bully getting a taste of his own medicine.

Electrocuted Thief

  1. u/porcelainvacation

    My dad had an old truck parked on the back of our property that some kept stealing small parts from (cap, rotor, points, etc). We wired it to an electric fence power supply. One evening we heard a bunch of yelling and swearing and went back there and the guy left us some free tools.

This one could've ended badly but, luckily for everyone involved, the thief just suffered enough to learn his lesson.

That's Not My Name

  1. u/porcelain_queen

    On every email I send, I attach my name, company, position, etc. ALL the time people will respond "Thank you Sara"....but my name is spelled with the "H". I have started to reply to them leaving off a letter of their name. "No problem Rene" "Have a good day Jon". They probably think I am an idiot, but it is worth it to me.

It can be very irritating to have people spell your name wrong all the time. This woman had a hilarious response to people misspelling her name.

Standing Up To Your Bullies

  1. u/hamletwasagaymess

    Once when I was about 7 or 8, I went to the toilet at school with a friend, but then a couple of our year group's meaner girls showed up, too, when we were in the stalls. They kept flicking the lights on and off to freak us out, so then when my friend and I were done and the mean girls got into the stalls, I switched the lights off, basked in the screams for a few seconds, then grabbed my friend and ran.

    She insisted we go and put the lights back on. I refused. The week of lunch-time detention I got for it was so worth it.

This one is very innocent, but it's always nice to see children standing up to their bullies.


  1. u/Lil-Night

    This happened to my SO when he was at university - another comment here reminded me of it. His class were doing presentations in pairs, and he got paired with some girl who didn't bother to bring notes or research information for their presentation. She instead let him do all the work, and any slides she did were made from his notes and research. He complained to his tutor and she told him "Don't worry, leave it to me". And then the day of the presentation comes.

    They present, and then at the end the tutor asks the girl a question. If I remember correctly the question was something like "Is there any evidence to suggest that some cultures are more prone to mental health problems?". And the girl answered no. The tutor then asked my SO the exact same question, and because he'd actually read the research on the topic, he was able to list of several studies that showed that some cultures are in fact more prone to mental health issues.

    The girl glared at him the entire time he answered the tutors question. Pretty sure she ended up with a D, while he got an A or B.

In this case, this guy didn't really have to get revenge, as it came on its own. Sometimes, you have to leave things in the hands of karma.

Leaving The Teacher Speechless

  1. u/Brendan1214

    Not a teacher but witnessed as a student. There was literally 30 seconds left of class and my buddy starts to pack up. The teacher didn't seem to mind but when the bell rang and buddy got up to leave the teacher said the classic line "the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do" and buddy just continues to leave, gets in the doorway of the class and says "If it decides when I come, it decides when I leave" and just leaves the class.

This student was equally petty and fearless. Not many people would stand up to a teacher like this.

Never Forgive, Never Forget

  1. u/Notkeen5

    So I used to work with guys about 10 years ago. Not good friends but we got along ok. We both move on and a couple of years later I'm looking for work.I message him for information on the job advertised at his company. No reply.

    Fast forward 8 years later and I meet him at a Christmas party and he asks me for advice on how to land a role where I work.

    I brought up the ignored message from 8 years ago and told him I wouldn't help him. So petty but so glorious.

Some people forget about certain things after a few years, but not this guy. He waited for his perfect revenge opportunity to come and, when it did, he took it right away.

A Petty Husband

  1. u/[deleted]

    My wife is very picky about the mugs she has for different hot drinks: Tall mugs for coffee, wide mugs for tea, dainty cups for fruit teas.

    When she's being irritating and asks for a cuppa she gets very plain, boring builders mugs and I delight at the mild irritation it brings.

There are healthier ways to deal with marriage conflicts for sure, but it's also nice to get some harmless revenge against your spouse every once in a while.

Taking Matters Into Your Own Hands

  1. u/JayOHare

    A horrible former coworker always claimed she worked way more hours than she actually did, and when she was at work she just browsed Facebook all day. The doctor/owner was very hands-off and just let her do whatever she wanted (despite me going to him with proof), so I️ decided to take revenge. She was not computer savvy at all, so I removed Internet Explorer from her desktop and installed an identical icon that, when clicked, would instantly restart the computer. It was so satisfying when she would forget and click it, losing anything that she was working on. She would always grumble and complain about the “virus” on her computer. I️ started a new job about three weeks later, and when I️ left it was still giving her problems.

If you have a horrible coworker and your boss doesn't take your side, there's always the option to take matters into your own hands, like this person did.

Inspired By A TV Show

  1. u/Kevin_Steak

    My sister said some pretty means things to me in front of my friends when I was younger. So I put a slice of Bologna in her walkman CD player. I got the idea from Cory in the show That's so Raven.

This girl got the perfect revenge idea from a Disney Channel show. It really makes you think about what children are being exposed to.

Best Bros

  1. u/deleted

    When I was a kid my younger brother and I would go for extra Mandarin lessons after school. Then we'd take the bus back. He would never press the bell for the bus to stop because he knew I'd freak out and press the bell rather than miss the stop. So, one day when he was sitting on the bus but in front of me, I made sure to get off the stop before ours. I laughed my butt off when I saw the bus miss not just our stop but disappear into the distance. Petty? Sure. But I was about 12.

Sometimes brothers can be a bit petty. But let’s be honest, having a sibling that matches your crazy is hilarious!

Don’t Mess With Your Caregivers

  1. u/andybent25

    As a nurse, we had this very awful patient, who made all our lives hell. Needed pain meds on the dot, needed to smoke every half hour, sat on the call light all day long. This person was possibly the rudest human being I've ever met. Treated us like slaves, and was drug seeking.

    It finally came time for discharge, and this patient decided to come up with a whole bunch of new medical problems. " I have chest pain! I have nausea! One side of my body feels numb!" So, being the very skilled and rational nurse I am, I asked the doctor for a whole new set of orders. First, I asked for lab draws every 3 hrs (meaning needles every three hours) to check cardiac markers. Then I asked that the patient be placed on NPO status (nothing by mouth) for the nausea. This person couldn't go an hour without eating something. For the numbness, I requested the patient be placed on strict bed rest for 24 hrs, and then have a physical therapy evaluation ordered (which meant no more going downstairs to smoke).

    I explained this all to the patient, and he says " Shoot! I Just wanted to stay another night. I ain't doing any of that! I feel fine, just give me my papers!" Talked it over with the doctor on call, he gave me the all clear to discharge, and I had him out the door in an hour.

Lesson learned: Never mess with people who take care of you. Remember that they have your life in their hands at the end of the day.

Never Steal Anyone’s Sandwich

  1. u/iwmcguy

    This happened a while back, study hall in 8th grade actually. I always brought two small sandwiches to school so I could have one at lunch and one in study hall since our teacher let us eat in that class.

    One day as I was about to eat my Sandwich, I get up to use the bathroom. As I walk back in the classroom, I see the kid in front of me eating my sandwich. I was pretty annoyed but nothing serious at this point, so I confront him politely and he denies it completely. I left my sandwich on my desk the next day just to make sure it was him, and what do you know, it is. So on the third day, I hatched a plan. I put habanero cheese on my sandwich, and then doused it all in ghost pepper sauce. That was everywhere, but it luckily didn't smell spicy. I get to study hall and my plan works flawlessly. I leave my trap sandwich on my desk and get up to use the restroom. This time I take as long as I can, and end up wandering the halls of the school. I did this because my study hall teacher was strict about the hall pass, and only one guy was allowed to leave the class at a time, even for water.

    After about ten minutes I come back into the class to be greeted by the sandwich thief crying hysterically with a bright red face waiting for the hall pass. He was in the bathroom for the rest of the day.

Pretty sure that was the longest, most grueling 10 minutes of that kid’s life. Hopefully, he learnt not to steal people’s food again.

A Prank For A Prank

  1. u/deleted

    Back when i was studying engineering, it occurred to me to try and find an app on my iphone for those Panasonic projectors in lecture rooms. So I get the app and it just let me connect to the one in the class without a password or anything. I have a friend who is one of those perpetual pranksters, you can't leave your pc or bag or food/drink unattended when he's around.

    So I beam a picture of him onto the projector, so the lecturer is just talking away and this goofy picture of my mate is on the screen. Lecturer doesn't realise yet, people in the lecture start waking up and giggling a bit. Now I use the pen function and draw a distinctly male appendage on the picture too. Mate was red in the face and trying to hide. Lecturer finally noticed and says "Michael why is there a picture of you on the screen?".

    Finally for a fleeting moment I actually wrecked that jerk.

This is the exact moment that the hunter becomes the prey. To all the pranksters out there, let this be a reminder that there is always a day for reckoning.

The Underpaid Intern Gets Revenge

  1. u/overbread

    I had a 6 month school internship at a mobile phone store. The boss was a total jerk that treated his school-interns like full paid workers (even gave me some concerning money-responsibilities).

    A while after the internship he called to tell me I would have to give a statement at court. He had a problem with some customer and a shipment and he planned to tell the court that he explained everything concerning shipping precisely to me. Of course he didn't. And of course I didn't lie in front of the judge. My boss' attorney gave me a look I will never forget when he realized his stupid plans didn't work out. Few weeks later my now ex-boss tried to call me again. I didn't pick up. Screw this guy.

Very convenient that his plan to avoid responsibility involved throwing the intern under the bus. Too bad for him, the plan backfired.

Kiddie Experiment

  1. u/caca_milis_

    When I was a kid I got the Sabrina the Teenage Witch "Handbook" - it was full of kiddie experiments and stuff and was pretty fun.

    My older sister had upset or annoyed me about something, so I tried out one of the 'tricks' from the book, you fill a cup with water and some corn kernels, put some tinfoil on top of the cup, the kernels eventually pop and it makes noise against the tinfoil.

    I put it under her bed, it takes a few days to "work", so I completely forgot about it, until one night I woke up to my two sisters whispering - it had popped in the middle of the night and she thought there was a rat under her bed.

That trick sounds like a very harmless sort of prank. However, we can’t help but wonder what the parents thought when they found out what was in that book.

Lunch Disasters

  1. u/AR3Leatherworks

    Someone in my office would always crush lunches with his gigantic lunch box. Either he ate bricks or lead, I don't know, but I always came to the office fridge and found that my lunch was in pieces.

    So, after three bouts of this, and numerous notes from myself and other colleagues, I carefully removed his lunch box, emptied the contents (a gigantic sandwich, a Twinkie, chips, some vegetable pieces, and a few other bits), and ran over them with my car. I carefully packed it back in, and put it back.

    He kept his lunch in a cooler by his cube from then on.

No one would like to have this situation in their workplace, so props to this Redditor for putting an end to it. Cheers to all the lunches that were saved!

Stealing My Thunder

  1. u/sippistar

    My co-worker was always complaining and always lazy with his work, yet he got recognition for the simplest thing he would actually do. He also took credit for a full day's work that was pretty much all me. I always got ignored. So one day, I came in early and I unplugged his Ethernet jack just barely to the point it looked like it was still plugged into his computer. For 4 hours he couldn't do any work. Meanwhile, I got my work done, and he couldn't take any credit for it since everyone knew he didn't have Internet access. Half way through the day, he left on break, I plugged it back in and bam, just like this it was working. By then, he couldn't claim my work, and I began to get noticed more. :)

Sometimes being petty is the answer, especially if the question revolves around how to screw over one of the nastiest workmates that ever existed.

Always Pay Your Debts

  1. u/im_your_boyfriend

    A guy owed me money, but I wasn't immediately worried because we had done transactions before. This was a transaction via USPS. He started dodging me, ignoring calls and messages and all, but stayed active on Facebook (just ignoring me and deleting my comments and posts).

    After three months, getting progressively more impatient, I had had enough. I got the notification to approve him as a member of a Facebook group I'm in.

    I approved him, then made a big post in the group putting him on blast for it, tag and everything. I then added his mom and sister on Facebook and sent them messages. Mind you, the guy is in his thirties.

    He messaged me about it, and things are getting resolved. If it slips again, however, I'm calling his work. Working for Amazon and committing mail fraud probably don't go well together.

This is like that scene from Taken where Liam Neeson said, “I will look for you, and I will find you…” Pay your debts, people!

Not My Cookies

  1. u/deleted

    I used to buy small treat bags of gourmet cookies from a local bakery a few years ago. I would eat maybe one a day, but they were a treat for me. Back then my husband and I had a retail store and a few friends that would hang out at the store (it was kind of a lounge too). Well, my husband and our friends (most were guys) would just help themselves. But they had no self control nor would they even ask for some. I would buy the bag of cookies for me, and they'd be gone. I would try to hide them but couldn't.

    So I bagged up a bunch of dog treats that the local pet food store had that looked very very close to cookies for people. And were all about the same size as the ones I bought from the bakery. I placed them where all the guys could see them, and waited.

    Yep, they tried them... asked if they were a bad batch or maybe the bakery missed an ingredient or two in the dough. I waited til they tried to eat more than 3 each... then told them they were dog treats.

    They never touched my cookies again.

Surely, eating those dog treats made them good boys.

Anatomy 101

  1. u/aidyfarman

    This dude in my accounting class in high school used to ask me for answers to questions, only to spout them to the teacher like he'd worked them out, thereby looking like a genius and getting credit for my work.

    One day our teacher comes into class with a pierced tongue and is talking sort of funny. Terry, as his name is, proceeds to use it as a point of conversation. "Hey miss, do you have any other piercings, like your ear?" "No,", she responds, thinking he's making inane conversation. "Would you get your nose pierced?" He keeps asking, just to prolong the time before class starts.

    As usual, he leans over asking for help. "What are some other good things to ask her?" I was annoyed that he always asked for my help to benefit him, so I thought I'd have some fun. "Labia, ask if she's going to get her labia pierced." "The hell is a labia?" he says. "Oh, sorry, it means eyebrow, that's like the piercing name for it. Like how a tragus is that nose piercing, yeah?" "Oh cool! Hey miss, are you going to get your labia pierced next?"

    Every girl, and especially the teacher, in the class looked at him like he was trash, and he tried blaming me, but I brushed it off gracefully.

This man should really get a crash course about human anatomy above anything else. It might save him from future embarrassment.

Look At Him Sparkle

  1. u/MenudoMenudo

    I put glitter in my friend's laundry in university. He had pranked me the week before, and a week later was doing all his laundry at once. I went and got some glitter from the craft store, and put half a vial into each of his loads of laundry. He was fabulous for months afterwards.

Well, that might be the sparkliest and most beautiful revenge ever! That guy might have had the hardest time removing those little things off of his clothes.

The Coldest Of Nights

  1. u/Monsterra

    Went on holiday with a friend and her family when we were in our early teens and had to share the room. It was a hot climate and, since we came from a relatively cold climate, we found the heat unbearable. Friend called dibs on the bed by the air con, then proceeded to take complete control of it. The room was a freaking sauna and obviously I couldn't sleep, but she refused to turn up the AC because since she was right next to it she would get cold.

    By the third night in, after refusing my request to swap beds, I am beyond irritable due to sleep deprivation and she's inadvertently mocking me by sleeping soundly next to the barely functioning AC. So I turned it up full pelt while she was snoring away and had the best night's sleep thereafter. Woke up before her and turned it back down so when she finally woke with a sore throat and the sniffles she agreed to swap beds with me, and I only slightly felt bad that she had a bit of a sore throat for the rest of the trip.

The lesson here is: never mess with somebody who isn’t getting any sleep.

The Punishment For A Cheater

  1. u/MammerJam

    Not me, but my aunt once found out that a boyfriend was cheating on her. Instead of confronting him, she wanted to get petty revenge. She knew where he kept his hide-a-key, so one day while he was at work she spent the whole day at his house. She rearranged all the furniture(brought the upstairs furniture downstairs and vice versa). She also took all the canned goods in his pantry, steamed off the labels, shuffled them, and put them back on at random. This included the canned dog food. Jerk would think he was opening some soup and NOPE! Dog food. When she left she locked up, put the key back, and never spoke to him again.

Cheaters are the worst! We salute a feisty woman for teaching that guy a highly valuable lesson about loyalty.

Stinky Punishment

  1. u/Link-to-the-Pastiche

    We had a guy in our office take a crap in the bathroom every day after lunch and it would stink up the whole office. The manager asked everyone who needed to vacate their bowels to please use the lobby bathroom since our office was small and we only had the one bathroom. He didn't listen. Fortunately, he was like clockwork so 5 minutes before he went in I took all the toilet paper.... that's right. I forced the man to live with a dirty, stinky butt.

That’s a nasty punishment but that guy for sure will not do it again. That day might have been stinkier than usual but it was surely worth it.

He Got What He Deserved

  1. u/RipleysWitch

    A drunk guy harassed me on the tube one night on my way home. About two minutes after his last "freaking stuck up witch" he fell asleep. Deeply asleep. So I took out my lipstick (gorgeous coral colour) and drew all over his face. Yes, I may also have been drunk. I think I was trying to read my book with one eye closed to help me focus... yep. So I got off at Acton, and watched him snooze away down the Heathrow branch. Jerk. I hope he woke up with lipstick all over his pillowcase and a pissed off missus.

What’s worse is that this is not enough of a punishment for what he’s done. But at least, she got some kind of revenge.

Nice Car, Dude

  1. u/Netla

    I worked in a fish factory most summers when I was in my teens, and there was a boy who also worked there one summer who was a jerk and a bully. I and another girl were his main targets, and this was really disgusting verbal bullying, sexual and racial in nature (the other girl was of mixed race). He would yell his insults over the factory announcement system whenever he didn't have enough work to keep him busy. The foreman refused to get involved, so we took action.

    One day, we finished work before he did, and spotted his car out in the parking lot (his dad's car, actually). We looked at each other, went back into the building, got several rolls of toilet paper and a packet of menstrual pads and "decorated" the car with them.

    The car was seen by many of our co-workers, some of whom also witnessed the decorating and cheered us on. Once he got out he just stood there, blushing and embarrassed and wondering who could have done this to him. He was very subdued at work after that and the bullying nearly stopped, I hope because what we did made him realise what it felt like to be at the victim's end of it.

    Best thing about it was that everyone, including his brother, knew who had done it, and no-one told him.

His car for sure got an interesting revamp! That would have been one awkward ride back home.

A Nerd’s Revenge

  1. u/kayquila

    In 9th grade, I was the nerd everyone treated like a doormat. We had a geometry class in which we had to work in pairs to design a pyramid, and of course I got paired with an annoying dumb girl. She failed to contact me at all in the 2 weeks we had for the project. The weekend before it was due, I calculated how a 0% would affect my grade. I would still get an A, but it would make her fall below the threshold to continue participating in varsity volleyball (I roughly knew her grades from gossip that she was under the threshold in one class already and couldn't fall under in another or she'd miss a tournament).

    That Monday, our professor called up our groups one by one to drop off their pyramid. When she called our names, the idiot girl looked at me and smiled. I'll never forget her face when I just said "we didn't do it." The teacher looked up, nodded, and went back to her grade book.

    The girl didn't get to go to that tournament, and curiously enough everyone in groups with me suddenly became very eager to ask me what I wanted them to do for the project. :)

Oh, the sweet taste of revenge! Once in a while, you just have to prove that you’re not one to be messed with. Bet that felt incredibly satisfying.

Take The Blame

  1. u/wobr-J

    There was this one guy who would never make any room for me to get to my seat. My seat was at the end of the row, so I had to get past him. He was always on his phone, and would usually ignore you if you asked him to move. He was also always on his phone.

    One day I got tired of this constant waste of time routine. I saw him on his phone, got my phone out and texted myself with the ringer on. The teacher turns around to see who it was.

    Of course I put my phone away and let the obnoxious road block take the blame.

All it took to bring this jerk down was a perfectly timed plan. Scooch over next time, dude!

No More Heating

  1. u/deleted

    My roommate used to leave his heater on full blast when he would sleep and I'll give you one guess who paid the electric bill. He would sometimes forget to turn it off for work which of course made me even more mad. One day I had enough. Instead of being an adult and asking him to turn it down and or off when he left I pulled the heater off the wall and unwired it. No joke, he spent about 3 hours trying to figure out how to fix it. I was so satisfied when he couldn't get it to work. He literally had to plug 2 wires back in.

Ugh, the pain of living with horrible roommates! Screen your roommates next time and make sure that the next one will split the bills.