The Mother Of All Egos

That's an act of pettiness and narcissism. What kind of parent gets mad because her daughter GRADUATES? It should be a celebration, and besides we get a birthday every year.
Shower Privileges

Okay, that's messed up. Your family shouldn’t forbid you to shower; it is a basic human right. Terrible.
Born This Way

Well, that’s not very Christian, is it now? A very lazy justification for her actions.
Just Be Happy

Are you depressed? Just don’t be, easy peasy. It’s hard to understand why people ignore mental health issues, especially when it comes to their own children.
The Ones That Made It Out

Enabling this kind of behavior isn't a great idea; it's not good for the kid or the people around it. They need to evolve and be their own person. Sad to see someone you care about in that situation but it's better to separate yourself from them.
An Angel... From Hell

That’s vicious. What kind of person says that to someone? She was being mean just for the sake of it.

Just keep it to yourself, grandma. It's already bad enough having those thoughts about your family, someone has to tell her there's is something called forgiveness.
Two Sides Of The Same Coin

Let's look at the silver lining; she got treatment and became her best self. Sometimes, extreme behavior is a symptom of a mental disorder. It does not justify the abuse but we’re glad they were able to help.
Bad Grandma

Umm, we get that older generations have different beliefs and a lot of them are very, VERY questionable, but disliking your grandchild because of their ethnicity… Horrible, just horrible.
And The Award For The Worst Mother Goes To...

Just pick one, Karen. You can’t just hate everything. It isn’t surprising that she would pick on her own daughter.
Bye Bye, Toxic Household

Trying to figure out who you are in high school, plus getting rejected by your own blood must be one of the most painful things ever. Thankfully, he had amazing people around him.
Wait, You Didn’t Die?

Excuse me? Not an expert but if you fake your MOTHER’s death not only should you get some jail time but maybe solve some deeper problems.
Can I Get A New Parent, Please?

Mental health issues should be accepted and treated just like other illnesses. This kid had so much on their plate and having to put up with this horrible person must have been a challenge.
Mr. Psycho

Yes, one would also say he is a sociopath and a killer so, we really hope he is locked up.
Your Words Won't Bring Me Down

Clearly, she had some self-esteem issues because if you bully someone that hard, there is something deeper going on and you are just projecting your own fears.
The Favorite

A graduation is a really important moment and not having your parents there showing support must suck. Hope she has a better support system now!
Follow The Rules

Once again, what's up with weird parents and the bathroom rules? TOXIC.
The Real Grinch

Someone commented: “Sue her for Trespassing, Damage of Property and a few other things. Then she has an actual reason for you "Ruining" her Christmas.
Exaggeration Much?

That's horrific. No parent has the right to do such a violent act.
My Feelings Are Valid

Self-reflection is a major step for growing and evolving. Knowing you don't want to make the same mistakes your family did is huge. Good for you!
I Win

When your story makes other kids with similar backgrounds scared, you know it was really bad.
Where Are My Socks At?

The least they could do is give the kid the socks. Hopefully, he got better socks at some point in his life.
I'm The Toxic One

One of the most difficult things ever is realizing you are the problem or the one with the toxic behaviors. My biggest congrats to him for the journey.
It's Not Funny

People don't even seem to try to understand neurodivergent folks, that's why we should talk more about this.
Where Were You?

Yeah, toxic behavior, and the worst thing is you can clearly see how this Redditor tries to explain himself. There is nothing to explain, it's okay to hang out with friends.
We Have Guests, Behave

We all put our best face when visitors come to our house, but they took it way too far.
Really Mom?

Well, that's wild. What kind of parent messed up so bad for both kids at the same time?
Fake, Fake, Fake

How rude to badmouth hard-working people! Toxic and mean.
We All Heard This One

Oh man, the "adult" logic. "I'm older than you, you must not say I'm wrong." How original.
Terrible Advice

Do not take that advice, having people fear you because you is not a good thing at all.
had my graduation from engineering the same day as my mother's birthday. I, of course, had nothing to do with the date choosing. My mother said I "ruined her birthday" so. she scheduled her birthday party to be on my actual birthday. Her birthday is March, mine is August.