Grandma Gone Wild
Spring break usually includes college students in their 20s, but that doesn’t mean that anyone over that age can’t join the party. Just take a look at this grandma having an amazing time with a group of girls.

This lady is even drinking faster than the girls. The lesson here is that you are never too old to have a good time.
Nap Time
If you start drinking early in the morning, chances are you’re going to pass out by the afternoon. It’s always a good idea to sleep it off, provided you have a bed to sleep on.

These girls, however, fell asleep on a bathroom floor, but they don’t seem bothered by it. Who knows, maybe the cool floor is just what they needed after a long day in the sun.
Getting good pictures is usually a big part of people’s vacation, especially during spring break. It is important to immortalize these memories so that they last forever.

This group of girls wanted to get a cool picture of themselves jumping on the beach at the same time, but a guy in the background decided to join them. The picture is now ten times better.
Lost And Found
There’s always one friend in every friend group who is a flight risk when drunk. They usually have one too many drinks, wander off and are not seen again until the next morning.

To avoid losing their friend, a group of friends decided to write a message on this girl’s back to keep her close. Hopefully, she was returned to her friends safe and sound.
Forever Alone
A lot of people take spring break as an opportunity to find a date or get to know new people, but not everybody is lucky. You may spend your whole trip alone while your friends meet girls.

That is exactly what happened to this guy. He seems slightly disappointed, but not really sad. He seems to get the humor of the situation. Hopefully, he’ll be luckier next year.
Accidental Mugshot
These girls were just trying to get a cute picture when a police officer photobombed it as he was arresting a man. To make it even funnier, the criminal looked straight into the camera.

This is not uncommon, however. It is estimated that police officers make 25 arrests a day and collect $80,000 in fines during spring break.
Hanging By A Thread
Water sports are a great way to enjoy spring break. Renting a jet ski or going water skiing are some of the most common activities that spring breakers have fun with.

This man should’ve been more careful when diving into the water. His bathing suit got caught on the jet ski, giving him a horrible wedgie. Perhaps swimming shorts would’ve been a better choice.
Eye Wash
Spring breakers always come up with new ways to drink alcohol, but this girl clearly didn’t think it through. This might have seemed like a good idea, but it clearly wasn’t.

She probably wanted to have a drink while swimming, but her friend didn't aim well and poured alcohol right into her eyes. Hopefully, her eyesight was not damaged as a result.
Never Forget Sunscreen
If you’re going to spend a day at the beach, you’d better bring sunscreen with you. Otherwise, your skin is going to be on fire and you’ll have to deal with uncomfortable tan lines for weeks.

This guy learned this lesson the hard way. On top of the discomfort he must’ve felt, he was probably embarrassed to show everybody what his true choice in swimwear actually was.
You Snooze, You Lose
It's a universal rule that the first person to fall asleep at a sleepover will suffer the consequences and be tortured by the rest of the group. This rule also applies to spring break.

If you’re the first person to pass out, don’t be surprised if you wake up with a full face of makeup. This man got an amazing makeover, and we can imagine his hilarious reaction when he realized what had happened to him.
No Sunglasses? No Problem
It's very hard to enjoy a day at the beach without sunglasses. The sun can damage your eyes if they’re not protected, and it’s just a very uncomfortable experience overall.

This woman, however, decided to get creative. Since she forgot her sunglasses, she thought it would be a good idea to cover her face with some underwear while sunbathing.
Horsing Around
As we’ve mentioned before, police officers are quite busy during spring break. It is not surprising considering that students are partying and drinking all day and night.

This man, however, got arrested while wearing a horse costume. The thing is, he probably had to keep the costume on the whole time he was at the police station and until he was released.
Beer Angel
Everybody loves making snow angels in the winter once there’s enough snow. But, what would be the spring break equivalent of this popular activity? A beer angel, of course.

This man passed out after having one too many beers and his friends decided to teach him a lesson. He must’ve been very confused once he woke up.
Unflattering Photo
When you’re drunk and having a good time, you think that taking pictures is a great idea. It’s only the next morning that you realize what you’ve done.

These guys probably thought they’d look cool in this picture, but it was quite the opposite, and the fact that it was taken with flash didn't make things any better.
Better Safe Than Sorry
People do a lot of crazy things during spring break, especially in their hotel rooms, and you never know what the guest before you did in that room or whether it was cleaned properly.

These people thought it was better to be safe than sorry and wrapped every piece of furniture with aluminum foil. This is also a good idea to avoid damage if you’re throwing a party.
Winter Break
Most students decide to travel to warm places, such as Miami or Mexico, during spring break. The problem with these destinations is that they can be too crowded.

These girls decided to do the same thing, but in the snow. They don’t even seem bothered by the cold and are having a good time.
Vaping King
Vaping has become a trend in recent years, and while many people love it, there’s also a lot of people making fun of it on the internet. According to many people, it's not cool at all to vape.

Well, this guy is proving everybody wrong. If you look past the two beautiful girls in his arms, you’ll see that he’s holding a vape in his hand. Clearly, his habit hasn’t stopped him from meeting pretty girls.
One Of The Girls
Photobombing seems to be quite common during spring break, but this is extremely unusual. Three girls were trying to get their picture taken when someone decided to join them.

It wasn’t a person, though. A gigantic stingray just jumped on them and even smiled for the camera. The girls look terrified, while the stingray is just having a great time.
The Best Place To Sleep
It’s not uncommon for people to drink a little too much alcohol after a night out. It’s usually solved by sleeping it off… in a bed.

This girl just couldn’t find the strength to go to bed and just fell asleep with her head on the toilet seat. Her hangover must’ve been awful the next day.
Going Home
Spring break is all fun and games until it’s time to go home. Students are exhausted, hungover, and dehydrated when spring break is done, and this girl is the perfect example of this experience.

She is trying to keep herself awake on the flight home by eating a snack. She’s also wearing sunglasses to cover her dark circles since she probably didn’t get any sleep during the whole trip.
Pose For The Camera
It's important to take pictures when going on vacation so that you can keep the memories forever. If you’re too drunk to pose for the camera, your friends can help you.

This girl had too many drinks, so her friends had to hold her up so that someone could take a picture of her. The sunglasses also helped her since her eyes are closed.
A Beautiful Mermaid
This is another example of the consequences of passing out in front of your friends. This guy got too drunk on the beach, and his friends decided to have fun with him.

His friends buried half of his body in the sand, and the guy didn’t wake up through the whole process. He’s even striking a gracious pose.
Creative Bathing Suits
Everybody looks the same at the beach. Girls are always wearing the same type of bathing suit, so it's hard to stand out. If you want to make an impression and get everyone’s attention, you have to think outside the box.

These girls did exactly that and got custom-made bathing suits with a hilarious photo of Dwight from The Office. They probably turned heads wherever they went.
Honesty Is The Best Policy
We’ve all had money problems at some point in our lives, but that should not stop people from having a good time. This guy still wanted to make the best out of his trip, and he decided to be honest about it.

He made a sign asking for money and said exactly what he needed the money for. People probably appreciated his honesty and helped him out.
Safety First
A lot of crazy things happen during spring break, so one has to come prepared. Everybody wants to have fun, but it is important to always put safety first.

This guy decided to carry a box of condoms with him at all times just to be safe, and we have to applaud him for that. You never know when you’re going to need them.
Six Pack Abs
Everybody knows that the worst thing you can do while drunk is to get a tattoo because you cannot get rid of it. This man learned this lesson the hard way by getting a spring break tattoo.

Of all the things he could’ve chosen, he got a six-pack tattoo on his stomach. It's a funny joke, after all, but one that he will probably regret for the rest of his life.
Sleeping Beauty
We’ve already seen a girl sleeping with her head resting on a toilet seat, but this guy is taking it to a whole new level. Imagine how drunk you have to be to sleep in this position.

This guy could not make it to his bed, so he just passed out next to the toilet in the most uncomfortable position imaginable. We’re not sure what was more uncomfortable for him the next day: his hangover or his back pain.
Awful Sunburn
We all know that sunscreen is essential when going to the beach. This guy apparently put sunscreen all over his body but forgot the most important body part to put sunscreen on: his face.

As a result, he ended up with a terrible sunburn on his face and neck, which was probably very painful. The lesson here is to put sunscreen on before you start drinking.
A Small Accident
Drinking can cause your bladder to fill up faster than usual, so it’s important to stay close to a restroom during a night of drinking. Unfortunately, this guy could not make it to the bathroom in time.

We can't imagine how embarrassing it is to pee your pants, but this guy is so drunk that he does not seem bothered at all by it. Maybe that’s for the best.
Beauty Sleep
Girls know how important it is to remove their makeup before going to bed. Not only is it bad for the skin, but also waking up with a makeup-smeared face is just not cute.

This girl drank so much the night before that she could not find the strength to remove her makeup before bed. As a result, she woke up like this.