Tina's Life
Tina Hines had the perfect life: a husband of 30 years, amazing kids, and food on the table. She followed a healthy routine and loved being a housewife.

However, it only took a few seconds for her whole world to crumble, and nobody saw it coming.
That Fateful Day
The day when Tina's life changed forever was February 12, 2018. She and her family decided to hike just outside of Phoenix, which is where they lived.

It was a gorgeous, sunny day, and everything seemed fine. Brian, Tina's husband, was walking a few steps ahead of her, and he suddenly heard a thud behind him.
An Emergency
When Brian turned around, she noticed that Tina was on the floor. He rushed to her side and realized that she wasn't breathing.

He immediately called for an ambulance and prayed that she would be fine soon. She had never experienced something like this and was perfectly healthy, so Brian was speechless.
Not Looking Good
When a team of firefighters arrived, they realized something was terribly wrong with Tina. Basically, she seemed gone already.

Still, the firefighters performed CPR on her as they were driving to the nearest hospital, hoping that she would miraculously wake up.
Her Heart Stopped
Sadly, before they could reach the hospital, Tina's heart gave up and stopped beating. But the firefighters weren't giving up just yet...

They took out a defibrillator and tried to bring her back - and it actually worked. But the fight wasn't over yet.
Not Giving Up
After Tina came back, she flatlined again. The firefighters managed to resuscitate her once more, but she flatlined again.

They finally reached the hospital and left her in the doctors' hands. Again, they used a defibrilator and brought her back once more.
Brought Back
Tina was resuscitated a shocking five times, flatlining for a total of 27 minutes. And yet, miraculously, she came back.

Tina somehow survived after being dead for 27 minutes. She had suffered a heart attack, but now she was stable.
Still Fighting
A few hours after she was brought back to life, Tina was awake, but could not speak. This was understandable considering everything she had been through.

She was weak and needed to rest, but Tina clearly was trying to communicate something. Her husband then had a great idea.
Writing About It
Her husband gave Tina a pen and paper to write whatever she wanted to say, since she was too weak to speak.

She used all of her strength to write a message on the paper, but her scribbles were illegible. She was still too weak to communicate, but the look in her eyes made Brian think that she had an important message to share.
'It's Real'
After taking a few breaths, Tina managed to say, in a weak voice: It's real. Then, Brian realized that's what she had tried to write on the paper.

Once she was feeling better, she explained it all to Brian, who was shocked to say the least. She told him that she had actually been in heaven during those 27 minutes she was dead.
Tina's Vision
Tina described exactly what she had seen, and her family was amazed. She told them she saw heaven in all its glory, with pearly gates and the blinding light of the sun between the clouds.

As she walked towards the gates, she saw someone waiting for her at the gates: Jesus himself. He was glowing and smiling but then, she woke up.
A Miracle
For Tina, the best word to describe what she went through was miracle. Her faith was renewed and she knew that Jesus had given her another chance at life.

This story not only inspired Tina to live a better, happier life, but it also inspired her family and friends.
Tina's story gave people hope. Even if it was just a dream, it renewed her faith and inspired her to live a better life. It also inspired her niece to get Tina's words tattooed on her arm, so she would never lose that hope.

But Tina isn't alone. In our next story, we'll take a look at a woman who went through a very similar experience...
Visiting Family
Angela Hernandez, a woman from Oregon, had an experience similar to Tina's. She was originally from California and was missing her family a lot.

She decided to visit them one weekend in July, as she hadn't seen them in a long time. However, she had no idea that could have been her last weekend alive.
A Long Trip
Angela had a very long trip ahead of her, but she didn't mind. She left Portland in the morning in her white Jeep Patriot and had hundreds and hundreds of miles to go.

She loved photography, so she put her camera to good use. Even though it was a long, boring trip, she had plenty of opportunities to take beautiful pictures of the amazing landscapes on the way.
A Dangerous Road
Although the landscape was breathtaking, passing through the Big Sur was a very dangerous task.

This highway goes along the California coast over a cliff, with the Pacific Ocean right next to it. Unfortunately, Angela does not remember much of it because of what happened next.
A Horrible Accident
The last thing Angela remembered from that awful moment was that a squirrel was crossing the road, and she quickly swerved to avoid it.

Then, it all went black. Her car swerved off the road and plummeted down the cliff. Then, things got only worse.
Time Is Ticking
At this point, Angela was already unconscious due to the shock and the fall. The car fell 250 feet and landed on the ocean.

Then, the car started sinking, with an unconscious Angela inside. The water was slowly making its way into the car and then, something happened.
Waking Up
Thankfully, Angela woke up just as water was reaching her knees. She kept a multi-tool in her car, so she quickly reached for it.

The tool allowed her to break the side window. She then crawled out and swam to the beach.
Trying To Survive
Sadly, her nightmare was only beginning. She was bloody and covered in injuries, and there was no way back up from where she was.

She tried to signal the passing cars above for help, but nobody could see her, as she was at the bottom of the cliff.
Staying Alive
Angela did all she could to stay alive. She drank rain water and slept between the rocks, hoping someone would find her. Her family even reported her missing, but nobody had found her yet.

She endured this nightmare for a whole week, injured and alone. Then, a miracle happened.
Finding Angela
A whole week after the terrible crash, a couple was hiking along the coast when they noticed a wrecked car at the base of the cliff.

When they got closer, they found Angela, clinging to life. She was battered and weak, but she was alive.
Getting Her Help
They were in such a remote area that it was hard to get any cellphone reception. One of her saviors had to walk a bit far in order to be able to call an ambulance.

It was vital to get Angela to a hospital. The extent of her injuries was unknown, but it was clear she needed immediate help.
All Is Well
Angela was taken to the hospital and was treated for all her injuries. She had suffered a brain hemorrhage, four broken ribs, a collapsed lung, and a shattered collar bone. Luckily, she made a full recovery.

Much like what happened to Tina, Angela felt like she had a new lease on life. She now lives every day to the fullest and appreciates the little things in life.