People Who Thought They Picked Up The Wrong Animal AFter A Trip To The Groomer

#3. Multi-Colored Poodle

Poodles are one of the most common dogs worldwide and they make great apartment pets. But the main disadvantage of having a white poodle is that it takes a great deal of effort to keep them clean.

This picture proves my point. This Reddit user confessed that he hadn't taken his pooch to the groomer for 22 years. Once he made up his mind and had him bathed, the results were amazing: he turned from brown to pure white!

#2. Adorable Yorkshire Terrier

People have mixed feelings when it comes to Yorkshire Terriers. While some believe that those thick chunks of brown hair streaming out of their faces looks totally adorable, others believe that they kind of look like giant rats.

For those who believe that Yorkies look like rats, this picture will probably do the trick. Can you believe how cute this pooch looks after his trip to the groomer?

#1. Fluffy Pomeranian

Pomeranians are, without a doubt, one of the most adorable pooches out there. Their hair is so fluffy and sleek that they sometimes resemble a giant pom pom!

But have you ever wondered what Pomeranians look like once their hair is trimmed? Well, this pooch went from being a fluffy pillow to a sort of baby polar bear. I can't tell which version is cuter!