These People Really Don't Care About Their Job


We can imagine that putting up road signs can be a pretty monotone job that probably doesn't pay much. However, it doesn't seem too hard to do either.

For the guy who was in charge of putting this stop sign, however, it clearly was. How distracted and unmotivated do you have to be not to realize you are writing "sotp"?!

Name Here

This phenomenon is actually more common than you think, and you may have even spotted a similar mistake while watching live TV. Because the news are usually not pre-recorded, people have to work fast.

The guy who was in charge of including the names of those who were being interviewed simply... forgot to do it. The man could not shine during his 10 minutes of fame because his name wasn't there.

You Had One Job

No, this is not a picture of a magician's assistant being cut in half. This gigantic ad was supposed to hang from a building and was split into two pictures. All the workers had to do was put them in the right place.

Maybe the picture doesn't look so clear up close because it is so huge, so we'll give them the benefit of the doubt. However, they should have fixed the problem once they realized what they did but they just left it this way instead.