These People Are Getting Creative During The Pandemic

Glammed Up

Just because we are in the middle of a pandemic, it doesn't mean you can't be fabulous. This woman proved it by bedazzling her mask.

She looks like she came straight out of a dystopian future, but in a good way. She is probably turning heads wherever she goes with that amazing, glittery mask.

Corona Competition

This woman shared these pictures of her amazing contribution to a corona mask competition - that's right, there are competitions out there to see who has the coolest mask.

We don't know if she won or not, but she definitely deserved to win. This awesome scorpion mask keeps her and those around her safe while making her look super cool.

You Do What You Can

You know what they say: you do what you can with what you have. This is exactly what this guy did in the middle of this pandemic.

He figured out how to fold his underwear to create a great face mask that also covers his hair. This was a very creative move and it is much better than having no mask at all. We are just hoping that his underwear was clean...