Here Are The Worst Roommate Stories You Can Think Of

#3. Fast Asleep In The Kitchen Sink

There's nothing better than getting a good night's sleep in your cozy bed after a long, wearisome day, right? Well, not everybody feels the same way, apparently.

This guy moved in with his friend, and even though both had their own private bedrooms, this guy woke up and found his friend sleeping in the kitchen sink. Unless your roommate is a dog, that's definitely something that should be frowned upon.

#2. Living With A Sleepdialer

Sleepwalking and sleeptalking (let's just pretend that's a real word) are actually quite common, but this guy moved in with a friend that took things to the next level. He would dial random numbers in his sleep!

The guy even went as far as ordering junk food in his sleep. I wonder if sleepdialing is even a thing. Are there doctors who can help you treat it?

#1. Flushing Food Down The Toilet

It's always annoying when people throw chunks of toilet paper (or any other object) down the toilet and end up clogging the drains. But what this guy's new roommate did was even worse.

One day, he went to pee and saw that the toilet was brimmed with Sour & Onion Pringles. I don't know what bugs me the most: the fact that they're quite pricy, or that they're only like the best chips ever.