Check Out The Most Hilarious Restaurant Fails Ever

#3. The Leg Of A Female Kid

Translating is a tricky business, and it's a widely known fact that you can't always trust online translators. People always advise against using such apps for translating entire sentences, and for a reason.

The menu of this Brazilian restaurant proves my point. You can't just type in the name of a traditional dish on Google translator, or else, guests may actually believe that "cabrito assado" literally means "leg of the female kid".

#2. Bad Sushi

Coming up with an acronym to name your new restaurant may actually be a good idea, but you really need to think it through. At least, this is what these restaurant owners should've done.

Everyone would love to have a taste on the town's best and delicious sushi, but Best and Delicious aren't exactly the best words for an acronym. Why would you name your restaurant BAD? A sign reading "BAD SUSHI" is hardly an advertisement.

#1. Fart Tacos

Coming up with a name is difficult enough, but sometimes, a decent, original design is all it takes for a business to thrive. Well, restaurant owners should've left it to the pros when choosing the letter font.

Fast taco is actually a clever name, but am I the only one who feels that sign reads "Fart tacos"? I hope they choose another font... unless that is the actual name of the chain, of course.