#20. Ring-Tailed Cats
We know cats outright defy physics, as at least half of us have owned one of these wonderful companions at some point. They can do such crazy acrobatics and fit in places that seem outright impossible, that it didn't take long for the internet to make running jokes that our pets are liquid, or have a rubber spine.

But this guy takes it a step further. While not exactly a cat, as it's actually related to raccoons, the Ring-Tailed cat is an excellent climber, and can often be found doing crazy acrobatics to reach its preferred places: treetops. They have special joints and bones in their legs that enable them to rotate their ankles up to 180 degrees, which explains why they are able to pull off the crazy stunts that would make any stunt double jealous!
#19. Common Ants
A rather well-known fact, but always impressive nonetheless, is that all ants are little Hercules. They are some of the strongest creatures in relation to size, as they are able to carry things that are up to 50 times heavier than themselves.

To put it on clearer numbers, imagine an average person of 75 kilos lifting an object that weights 3750 kilos. That is almost the weight of TWO heavy cars. And as if that wasn´t enough, these little guys can also live up to 15 years old! Of course, it entirely depends on the species.
#18. Honey Badger
We all can get a little grumpy when we are hungry, but this guy takes it to a whole new level. Honey Badgers may trick you into thinking they are just a cute, friendly, small forest creature, after all this is a cousin to other mustelids such as otters, ferrets and minks; but they can have quite the nasty temperament. And this only multiplies exponentially when they get hungry.

> “The most fearless animal in the world” This is the title The Guiness Book of World Records gave this little animal. And it completely earned it. Being a small carnivore, when it´s time to eat for the Honey Badger, everything is fair game. What makes it so different is that it WON´T be intimidated by other animals regardless of their size, strength, venom, or any other advantages they have against it. This guy won't stop until it eats or dies.
#17. Hummingbirds
In some countries, getting a glimpse of a hummingbird in spring is a sign of good luck, and even love, and it's not a surprise why. Not only are they beautiful and adorable with their shimmering, colorful feathers, but they are also very small and extremely quick and agile.

In fact, everything about them is fast, not just the flap of their wings. Their heart rate is a staggering 1,260 beats per minute, and its metabolism is the fastest in the world if we don´t count insects. Other noteworthy facts about this small friend is that it can hover in mid-air, fly backwards AND UPSIDE DOWN, bat its wings over 80 times a second, and even has the record for laying the smallest bird eggs in the world. There's even a species of hummingbird that is shorter than 5 centimeters even in adulthood!
#16. Chameleons
Chameleons are a very well known reptiles because of their ability to change their colors to camouflage with their environment, an ability that allows them to sneakily catch their favorite prey, while also protecting them from predators. Who wouldn't want to have this superpower?

There are many types of chameleons, and while the average is able to change into more natural hues, such as the green of the leaves and brown of the tree barks, many others have the abilities to take even the most outrageous and vibrant colors they wish to, and fast too! Some species can change their entire body colors in a mere 20 seconds! The explanation behind this ability is simple: their brains send impulses to the skin's melanin to mix into different colors, until they blend with their environment.
#15. Pit Viper
There are many types of snakes in the world, and all of them have special characteristics to adapt to their environment. In the case of the pit vipers, that ability is their "pit organs", which gives them an ability better described as "heat vision", located near the nostrils.

A trait they share with boas and pythons, this organ allows them to find and track prey even when it´s pitch back. Because of this organ, they can "see" the thermal energy the prey emanates, which forms a picture akin to what we humans would see when looking through infrared cameras.
#14. Dolphins
Dolphins have always been a popular sea animal that people just adore, and they would never pass up the chance to get into the water and play with them. Because of this, they are a favorite tourist activity. However, if you happen to be pregnant, you might want to postpone your visit for the time being. And here´s why:

Dolphins use echolocation to get around, this means that they emit ultrasound waves, which bounce off on objects and reveal their location. As it happens, ultrasound can also catch the faint fetal heartbeats, which lets the dolphins know someone is pregnant. This actually gets them excited, overly playful, and even aggressive!! So it´s very important to be careful and understand why visits to the aquarium will not allow pregnant people. Better safe than sorry!
#13. Naked Mole Rats
The next creature certainly looks funny, and has an equally funny name to match, but despite this, the Naked Mole Rat has a lot to be proud of! After all, this little fella is a rodent that exceeds all expectations when compared to its cousins, and has managed to reach an astounding lifespan that goes over 30 years.

This is nothing short of a record considering that most rodents its size, like rats, only get to live about 4 years. This sturdy animal seems unable to feel most types of pain, and it's also able to survive for nearly 20 minutes without breathing. Additionally, thanks to a special sugar in their system, naked mole rats are completely immune to cancer!
#12. Axolotls
The Axolotl, a very popular type of salamander that can be found in Mexico, is a fan-favorite when it comes to exotic pets. Many people find its appearance adorable, especially the albino variety, which has a very soft pinkish hue on its body, and deep pink gills. But besides being adorable to look at, this small creature has an incredible ability:

They have the amazing ability of regenerating themselves. We all know how some lizards can cut off their own tails when feeling endangered, but these guys can regenerate ANY part of their bodies, whether it´s bones, nerves, muscles... Or even internal organs! And it all starts immediately after they get injured. Scientists are still looking for the explanation as to how they regenerate so quickly.
#11. Platypus
There is a running joke that all crazy-looking animals are from Australia, and in the case of the next creature, they are completely on the mark. Even scientists believed this one was a hoax. With a beaver-like body and tail, a duck's bill, sharp claws with poison, and the ability to lay eggs despite being a mammal, the Platypus is one of the strangest-looking creatures on earth.

And apparently it doesn't end there: the Platypus has what is referred to as a "sixth sense". This super-sense is called electroreception, and it allows the platypus to locate prey and objects underwater. The receptors are located on its bill, picking up electrical currents that come from other animals, which allows them to hunt in the dark. A rather similar yet still different ability to the pit organs of vipers.
#10. Peregrine Falcon
Holding the record as not only the fastest bird, but also the fastest animal on Earth, the Peregrine Falcon is more than able to fly from New York CIty to Rochester in just over an hour. For those counting, that makes it a top speed of 240 miles per hour!

For over 3000 years, this falcon was a favorite for those who practice the art of falconry, which is the use of these birds to hunt for prey. They are not only excellent hunters, but also have an amazing eyesight, so advanced, that what we see as fast or fluid, for them feels more like stop motion. They can be found everywhere in the World except the arctics, but the number has been dwindling over the years due to human factors.
#9. Alpine Ibex
If you thought goats were amazing climbers, it's only because you haven't seen the Alpine Ibex yet. In fact, most people might feel like doing a browser search to double check the following picture was not photoshopped. But, really, these animals are experts at defying gravity.

Thanks to their muscular structure and split hooves, these mountain dwellers are absolute experts on climbing almost completely vertical walls and structures even from a very early age. In fact, it's said that mothers and their kids tend to be the best and climbing, and even frolicking carelessly as if they weren't one misstep away from falling all the way down.
#8. Lyrebirds
We have all heard stories from parrot owners, whose beloved pets tricked them over and over by mimicking noises and voices, and pretending to be someone else calling them from the other side of the house. But this bird from Australia puts even the trickiest of parrots to shame: The Lyrebird. Lyrebirds are songbirds, and, as the name implies, they often sing. In fact, during breeding season they sing up to four hours per day, and here's the kicker...

They can accurately duplicate ANY noise and sound they hear: Not only voices and sounds made by other animals, but also mechanical noises like chainsaws, or even phone ringtones and gunshots! And with this wide array of elements to choose from, they make extremely personal songs for their breeding symphonies, a mix of actual bird sounds with whatever other sound they fancy.
#7. Horned Lizards
People are undeniably going to feel divided about the next one. Some might find this prickly guy unappealing, while other might still feel it's very cute and endearing in its own way. But this lizard doesn't care about appearances, and its special ability will prove it without a doubt.

When living in the desert, life is already very complicated for small animals. There are no good hideouts and it's full of enemies. For the Horned Lizard, its spiky attributes sadly weren't enough, so it had to develop a better way to warn its predators to stay away: And because of this, the Horned Lizard can shoot a vile-tasting spray of blood from its eyes. We hear they don´t tend to attack humans, though.
#6. Archerfish
We now move to India, where their is quite a particular fish swimming on the Asian waters: The Archerfish. As the name implies, this fish is very good at archery, its go-to-method for hunting its prey. But you might be wondering: how does a little fish snipe its prey?

The answer is very simple, actually: Spitting. Once they spot an insect resting on a lilypad, the fish gathers water on its mouth, packing it tightly, and then shooting the jet of water right at the insect to knock it down. Then, it simply swims to it and eats it! Because of its preference for living prey, this animal demands a higher maintenance for the many people who like to keep them as pets in their aquariums.
#5. Dragon Millipede
For those who are definitely not fans of insects, on this very specific case, we can completely understand you. With spikes and poison, this creature could as well be a real-life Pokemon. You probably remember people saying that when it comes to small animals like frogs and bugs, the deep, vibrant colors were a warning. And they were right, and if you would dare touch this animal's deep red body, you would be in for a world of pain!

This is the Dragon Millipede, and it has special glands that produce a poison known as cyanide to protect itself from predators. It's even said that the insects SMELL like cyanide, a smell that can be easily compared to almonds. Luckily, you won't find this creature in your garden, nor anywhere near the US for that matter. Their homeland is found in southeast Asia.
#4. Electric Eels
For a long time the common people would only ever see Electric Eels in cartoons and comics, so they could be excused for being skeptical about this animal. Eels are real, of course, but seeing how even ACTUAL Electric Eels are unable to kill a person... It can be a little disappointing in a way.

Of course, they are still somewhat dangerous, as they generate shocks of 860 volts, which are strong enough to easily kill their own prey, such as small fish, shrimp, crabs, and small animal like rats. Additionally, the modest amount of electricity they can generate is enough to generate a turntable as pictured above.
#3. Horror Frog
You might think the name "Horror Frog" is an exaggeration, but this creature earned it for a reason. Also known by the friendlier term "hairy frog", or the somewhat less friendly "wolverine frog", this creature has thick hair over its gills to catch more oxygen, which is strange enough as it is. But here is the part that earns it its nickname.

This frog can break its bones at will and once it does, it pushes the sharp ends throughout its skin, to use them as spikes to protect itself from predators. Upon research, scientists found that there is a bone nodule in its body, that, when pressed, forces in and out the bone shards.
#2. The Water Bear
Not really a bear, neither made of water, this extremely small animal is practically indestructible. The Tardigrade, also known as Water Bear. Their size ranging between 0.1 to 1.5 mm, they are only properly seen through a microscope. And it is said they can survive ANY calamity:

> "Tardigrades are among the most resilient animals known, with individual species able to survive extreme conditions—such as exposure to extreme temperatures, extreme pressures (both high and low), air deprivation, radiation, dehydration, and starvation—that would quickly kill most other known forms of life. Tardigrades have survived exposure to outer space." With all of these features, this certainly makes you wonder who stole the #1 place from these guys!!
#1. The Mantis Shrimp
You might have heard of the Pistol Shrimp every so often as a strong and fearsome crustacean. Well, this relative of his is bigger, stronger, and deadlier! The Mantis Shrimp can and will kill every other creature that comes its way, and it is so strong that it will even shatter the glass walls of a tank, which is why it's almost never kept in display unless you have specially made tanks.

These guys can reach up to 30 cm in lenght, and their attacks are not only strong, but also fast. They are so fast, in fact, that they produce sound, and light, and make the water around them boil due to the speed of their hits. So, if you are his dinner, even avoiding the actual hit won't let you out unscathed.