Common Household Objects That Endanger Your Pets' Life

20. Do Not Feed Poultry Bones to Dogs

Let’s begin with some foods you should never give your pups. Although they love to chomp down on many things, don’t give them poultry bones because they’re hollow and can splinter in their mouth or stomach, causing fatal injuries.

Raw cow bones that are bigger than their mouths are recommended, so they can chew without eating them. Also, make sure you keep an eye on them while they’re fighting that bone.

19. Keep Candy Away!

Holidays are coming, and even if you dress your pup for Halloween, don’t give him chocolate treats or any kind of candy!

They are toxic to dogs, so keep them for you and treat your pups with proper food.

18. Uncooked Dough

Let’s say you have a very curious cat and you’re getting ready to bake some goodies.

Make sure your cat doesn’t eat uncooked dough, because cats’ digestive systems cannot process microorganisms (like the yeast in dough) and it can be fatal for them.

17. Salt Lamps

This one is a real-life story. A woman from New Zealand woman named Maddie Smith saw her cat was acting weird. He didn’t respond to her, he didn’t want to eat or drink. Maddie took him to the vet, where they found out he was poisoned with sodium.

Her cat licked the Himalayan salt lamp! The vets saved his life, but it sure made Maddie throw away her salt lamp!

16. Canines vs. Xylitol

We all know dogs are not supposed to chew gum. However, did you know that the sweetener xylitol, found in sugar-free gums and other sweets is poisonous to dogs?

Please, don't feed candies to your pooch! They might be fun for you, bot not for them.

15. Keep the Booze Away

You should never give your dog alcohol because their livers and kidneys cannot filter alcohol.

Even small amounts lead to vomiting, hypothermia and even cardiac arrest.

14. Grapes Cause Kidney Failure

We like to treat our pets well, but there are a lot of fruits or veggies we should never feed them.

For instance, grapes cause kidney failure.

13. No Cup of Coffee

We all know our pups come close when we drink our coffee in the morning, always looking forward to licking your cup.

They don’t need caffeine to start the day, so keep the coffee away from your pooches.

12. Mixed Nuts Are Incredibly Dangerous

There are some sort of nuts that do not harm dogs, but walnuts contain a toxin that causes animals to experience seizures.

Almonds can cause digestive distress.

11. Where Are Your Pills?

If you take medication, make sure your pets cannot reach them. Human medication is very dangerous to pets, so keep them out of reach.

Now let’s see those household items that are so dangerous for our four-legged friends.

10. Gnawing on Cords

Christmas is just a couple of months away and this means adding some festive Christmas lights.

Make sure the electrical cords are not loose and lying around because cats or dogs can find them appealing enough to gnaw on them!

9. Pretty Flowers

The Easter Lily, among other seemingly harmless flowers, are toxic to pets. Make sure you learn which house plants are pet friendly.

Our cats always snack on our potted plants, no matter how many times we shoo them away from the windows!

8. Don’t Use Your Toothpaste to Brush Your Dog’s Teeth!

Toothpaste for humans contains xylitol, and it’s forbidden to brush your pets’ teeth with it.

If you want to refresh your dog’s breath, buy a toothpaste specially created for dogs.

7. Pest Products

Cats and dogs are very curious by nature, and anything that smells or looks funny ends up being sampled.

You don’t want to use these deterrents if you have pets. However, you can search for some pet-friendly pest products.

6. Chemicals in Fertilizer

While letting your pooch roll in dirt is fine, make sure the dirt is not tainted with fertilizer.

The dogs will think it’s food and they will try to eat some, but fertilizers contain harmful chemicals!

5. Secondhand Smoke

Try not to keep pets inside rooms filled with tobacco smoke, as they can suffer from the effects of secondhand smoke, just like us.

Make sure all tobacco products are kept away from their reach since dogs tend to chew on anything!

4. Buy a Piggy Bank

If you have coins lying around close to your pet’s reach, buy a piggy bank, and whenever you see coins, store them safely away from pets.

They’re choking hazards and also contain harmful chemicals for your pup’s digestive system.

3. Bleach and other Chemicals

Having a pooch or a cat is like having a kid when it comes to choosing the proper method to tidy up the house.

Make sure all chemical products are kept away from pets and use pet-friendly products to clean the floors or carpets so that your four-legged friends don’t get sick.

2. Painkillers for Animals

Our pets can suffer from illness or injuries, but never give them painkillers like Aspirin or ibuprofen.

Go to the vet and see what they recommend because human grade medicine is far too powerful for pets.

1. Antifreeze

Antifreeze has a sweet taste that might attract pets, but it is highly toxic for humans and animals alike.

Make sure you store any chemicals away from pets or children.