Polar Bears
Who doesn’t love polar bears? This mama bear keeps her cubs close so they stay warm.
Although they grow to a considerable size, baby polar bears are actually as small as puppies when they're born.
Pigs spend most of their time sleeping while snuggling together.
It'l be hard to eat bacon after seeing these extremely adorable pictures.
Alligators carry their babies on their heads while swimming when they're too small to swim alone.
And to think these tiny little things will be huge, scary predators in a matter of months.
Mother possums are so protective that they carry all their babies on their back.
Now, this is a strong, independent woman who clearly needs no man.
Ducks are one of the most protective parents in the animal kingdom. They don’t lose sight of their babies for one minute.
One of the cutest things is going to the park and watching a row of ducklings following their mom, isn't it?
This little fox cub loves playing with its mom’s tail and we love to watch it too.
This little guy just wants its mom's attention, but she seems pretty preoccupied with the photographer.
Grizzly Bears
Just like their polar cousins, grizzlies love swimming together.
How can these apex predators be this adorable when they are so young?
How could we not include man’s best friends on the list?
This poor pug thought motherhood was going to be easy.
Despite their tubby appearance, hippos can easily outrun a human, and they can be very aggressive, especially when threatened.
As you can see for yourself, all baby hippos have one thing in common-they are insanely adorable.
Calves are undeniably one of the most lovable babies on the planet.
Burgers aren't so appetizing now, are they?
Swans usually carry most of their babies (if not all) cradled under their wings.
This one is checking if all her babies have their seatbelts on before setting sail.
Do you know what's cuter than a giraffe? That's right, a baby giraffe.
Their long necks are perfect for snuggling all day.
Baby wolves, also known as wolf pups, are playful mammals not unlike their domesticated sibling species, the dog.
And, just like puppies, they love play-fighting.
Elephant babies don't split from their moms for a second until they get older.
This proud mother had twin babies.
Bunnies are extremely protective when it comes to their tiny babies.
And, they usually have their hands full: they can have up to 14 babies in one litter.
If there is an empowered woman in this world it is definitely a lioness.
They go hunting while also raising their cubs. Meanwhile, male lions just sleep most of the time.
This proud squirrel is holding her newborn in her arms. If this doesn't melt your heart, we don't know what will!
She's probably kissing her baby goodbye before leaving to get food.
Baby monkeys, called infants just like us, are cute and playful. They can often be found hanging on their mom’s back.
If only we were are pure as monkeys...
Did you know that otters swim while holding hands so that they don't drift away from each other?
How can these cute little guys be expert hunters that eat fish, crustaceans, and other critters?
The indisputable kings of the internet are definitely one of the cutest creatures in the world.
Cats literally sleep and cuddle their lives away.