These Foods In Your Kitchen May Actually Kill You


I bet you never thought that zucchinis could be harmful, right? Cucurbitacins are toxins that occur naturally in zucchinis but have been bred out of seeds.

Sometimes, however, they can still appear and make the zucchini taste extremely bitter, which usually stops people from eating them, but if you don't, you might die from poisoning.


Tuna is a crucial part of a balanced diet and it's rich in proteins. However, it also happens to contain mercury, a highly toxic chemical.

That is why consuming too much might be very dangerous, especially in young children. But that is nothing compared to what's coming up next.


In 2016, the FDA discovered a pesticide known as glyphosate in every sample of honey they tested. This substance is produced by the world's largest chemical companies and it can be detrimental to one's health.

Glyphosate can lead to respiratory distress, shock, renal failure, and even death. However, it would take a hefty dose of glyphosate to harm you, so don't panic.


There are two types of almonds: sweet almonds, which are the ones you would find in your kitchen and are harmless; and then there are bitter almonds, which are not so harmless as you'd think.

Bitter almonds contain a chemical known as glycoside, amygdalin, which transforms into hydrogen cyanide when consumed, and can thus be very dangerous.


When cooking with nutmeg, make sure you only use a little bit, as a toxic dose of nutmeg is no more than two or three teaspoons.

Symptoms include nausea, dizziness and a slowing of brain functions. And the food that's coming up next is even scarier. Are you ready?


You can actually suffer from potato poisoning. They contain a toxin known as glycoalkaloids, which causes nausea, diarrhea, and even death.

The amount of this substance is usually very small, but there have been many cases where the amounts were high enough to produce such symptoms.


Mushrooms are known for being dangerous, and mistaking or misidentifying a mushroom can lead to disaster, so you better watch out.

The death cap mushroom can be mistaken for edible fungi and can cause total liver failure. So if I were you, I wouldn't just pick up any mushroom from the ground and eat it, or else you may not live to tell the tale.

Fruit Seeds

Certain seeds contain toxins that are harmful to the human body. For example, apple seeds contain amygdalin, so cyanide is involved.

Also, stones such as those found in apricots are very dangerous. It's hard to think that such healthy fruits can actually be deadly! The next one, however, is actually scarier.


Ackee is a plant native to West Africa and it's also cultivated in Jamaica. If the fruit of the ackee is picked before fully ripening, it can contain hypoglycin A.

This substance is nearly harmless if ingested in small doses, though it can potentially cause vomiting, hypoglycemia, and even death.


Although it seems harmless, rice contains arsenic, a chemical that should be avoided in large doses. But don't panic, there's a small trick to get rid of it.

Rinsing the rise with water helps get rid of the arsenic. However, rice tends to absorb it more than any other food, so the FDA recommends not eating it in excess.


Elderberries themselves are very healthy, but their seeds, stems, leaves, and roots all contain our good old friend glycoside and should be avoided at all costs.

So no matter how delicious they are, try to eat reasonable amounts. The same goes for the next food, which could be in your kitchen right now.


Cassava is a root plant from South America, and just like almonds, it comes in a bitter and sweet form and contains hydrocyanic acid.

If the plant isn't processed appropriately, or if it's consumed raw, it can cause death, at worst. So dial down the amount of cassava you eat!

Castor Beans

Castor oil is not only found in the kitchen, but also in many beauty products. But if I were you, I would stay away from it and start using other alternative oils.

However, the castor bean contains a very small amount of ricin, a toxin that will induce vomiting, kidney failure, convulsions, or death. The next food on our list might be one of your favorite nuts.

Cashew Nuts

The shells of cashew nuts are deadly and covered in anarcardic acid, which can burn the skin if handled incorrectly. Ouch!

In addition, cashews must be cooked before consumption, because they are toxic in their raw state. Who would've guessed that the best type of nut was that toxic?

Microwave Popcorn

A chemical used in the coating of popcorn bags can create perfluorooctanoic acid when decomposed, which is associated with liver and prostate cancer.

Also, a flavoring agent called diacetyl is known to lead to a lung condition known as bronchiolitis obliterans. So steer clear of artificial popcorn please.