We have to let everyone know that Radar’s story is sad and some might find it heartbreaking. However, people who decide to stick around until the end will find that even abandoned dogs can sometimes get lucky and that their lives can turn around.

While there are many irresponsible pet owners out there, we have seen our fair share of awesome people that have adopted senior dogs and gave them a better home.
A Loyal Friend
When we get a dog, we know they’ll be loyal for as long as they live. This is why all responsible and loving pet owners try to make their best friend’s life as great as it gets. A happy dog will reward our dedication ten-fold, and we all know it.

But how do senior dogs get to the shelter? No matter the reason, the result is heartbreaking, and you’re about to see why…
Life Spent in a Cage
Whether they’re left without an owner or abandoned, no dog should spend their life in a cage. While puppies and young dogs have a better chance at being adopted, this is far from the case when it comes to senior dogs.

Senior dogs spend a lot of time in shelters, waiting for a second chance. But what about Radar? Here’s why everyone at the shelter was heartbroken to see Radar being abandoned.
Harris County Animal Shelter
One cold October day, a man came to Harris County Animal Shelter and requested the shelter workers to offer an unusual service for his dog.

When asked about why did he get a puppy in the first place and why did he want to abandon him, the man gave the craziest explanation…
Sick And Old
The stranger told the people who volunteered at the shelter that Radar was 20-years-old and that he needed to be euthanized because he was sick. Take a look at what the shelter wrote on their Facebook page.

>“Sometimes animals come in and you’re just at a loss for words. This is one of those times. This little Ewok-looking teddy bear is Radar. It’s pretty easy to see that Radar is terrified, confused and wondering where anything familiar went", the post said.
What Was Happening?
Radar’s heartbreaking story got so viral that the Animal Justice League rescue group from Houston, Texas called the shelter to take over this unusual case.

You see, the staff didn’t even have a chance to do a full checkup of the pup or to offer to treat him for free because the man did this…
Not Saying Goodbye
A few seconds later, while the shelter staff was trying to get a vet to check up on the pooch, the man sneaked out of the door without even giving an explanation. He simply left his dog there because he was old and sick.

Someone had to do something about it, they couldn't just leave things as they were and euthanize the pup as his owner wanted...
Animal Justice League
Luckily for Radar, when the folks at the Animal Justice League heard about his story, they decided that they wanted to help him out. Radar didn’t look like he was 20-years-old and he needed all the help that he could get.

However, if the pooch was indeed old, they wanted to make Radar feel happy and comfortable during his last days. Here’s what the rescue group said about Radar.
Health Check-Up
The folks who work at the Animal Justice League didn't waste any time and they rushed to the vet. They wanted to get a full health check-up for Radar so that they could determine just how old he was.

Apart from that, they also wanted to make sure whether there was something wrong with his health. You will never believe what the vet told them...
Alone and Scared
“We knew that if it was, in fact, his time to cross the Rainbow Bridge, we wanted it to be in a home with dignity and not in the shelter where he was alone and scared,” said Jennifer Graves, rescue board president, in an interview with The Dodo.

Just the thought of the pooch shivering and dead scared breaks my heart. And when a vet saw the ‘old’ pooch for the first time, he couldn’t believe his eyes…
The Vet Had Some Strange News
“We really don't know his story, which always makes these cases so hard and sad,” explained the president of the rescue board.

However, the vet could help the rescue group learn a few things about Radar, such as the dog’s real age and whether he was in good health or not. Then, they learned some shocking facts about this poor senior dog...
Radar Was Not 20
This vet confirmed everyone's doubts. The sad doggy was not 20-years-old. He was about ten years old and the vet said that he suffered from a stomach virus which made him vomit.

Fortunately, the volunteers were more than willing to buy medicine for him. However, this was not the only thing that the vet had to say about Radar...
The Truth Found Under The Matted Fur
Jennifer Graves stated in the interview that the matted fur hid some of the most shocking facts about Radar: “His bones protrude and his back legs have very little muscle tone, which could be from trauma, age or perhaps because he spent a considerable time locked in a tiny cage.”

Poor Radar must have had a tough life, but the rescue group was going to help Radar forget those days… What else did the vet find about the dog at the check-up?
Long Nails
The vet also discovered that Radar had overgrown nails. This proves that his previous owner didn’t care at all about his dog. Seeing this, the people who worked at the Animal Justice League knew that they had to take Radar in and find him a proper home.

So, as you can see, the pooch was in desperate need of help! It was clear he needed a human to love him, said Dr. Moore, the vet that had examined Radar…
Looking For His Owner
Although neglected, Radar missed his owner, noted the vet: “It looks like he's searching for his owners because of the way he was sniffing around searching for a familiar smell.”

Jennifer Graves added that the pooch would just pick people and cuddle next to them when he couldn’t find a familiar scent. Radar’s story went viral and people began asking more details about his health conditions and whether he could be adopted.
Feeling Better
Fortunately, Radar started to feel better only a few days after living at the center. All the care and attention he was receiving definitely paid off.

The dog was not scared anymore and the medicine was helping him with his stomach virus. And that's not all, his life was about to change forever!

It didn’t take long for Radar to realize that he no longer has to live in fear and that he is being looked out for. This was the first time that Radar smiled since he arrived at the Animal Justice League center and this was making everyone happy.
He Is Joyful
Everyone who has met Radar has said that this little dog is filled with joy. He is always looking for new friends to play with and he has never been happier.

Isn't it incredible how the doggy's life has turned around from being close to getting euthanized to now living a happy life?
Hard Life
The shelter staff hopes that Radar will soon be able to forget all about his troubled past. It's a widely known fact that many dogs who undergo tough circumstances during their first months of life suffer from psychological trauma as adults.

All that matters now is that he is in good hands and that no one is ever going to harm him again! In fact, he even made some friends! Check them out!
New Friends
Another heartwarming thing about Radar is that he is super friendly. In fact, Radar is so friendly that he manages to get along even with the cat who lives at the shelter.

This is quite surprising since Radar and the cat are supposed to be natural enemies. But you know what they say, love works in mysterious ways!
Playing Around
The pooch now has a new best friend to play around with and his life has never been better. Take a look at how cute the kitty is!

It's crazy to think that his owner gave up on him so fast and that he didn't want to have anything to do with him anymore. Some people are just not meant to have pets.
Some Great News
The good news is that Brandi Hendrix offered Radar a foster home until the pooch got better. Look at what she posted on Facebook just a few days after taking him in.

“[Radar] got excited while I was making his food and he got so excited and spun around a few times and then ran up to a toy and grabbed it like he was about to start playing with it”, she said.
Out Of His Shell
Radar came out of his shell, and Brandi along with everyone who was watching her updates, were excited to see that the scared and confused pooch had turned into a sweet and friendly pup.

Besides, the poch really loved all the attention he was getting. It was so great to see him happy and ready to play with his new mom!
New Home
Now that Radar has a brand-new home, the doggy is feeling way better. It's beautiful watching him play around, but watching him sleep is just as cute!

His stomach doesn't hurt him anymore and his nails have been taken care of. The next picture will bring a smile to your face!
Bad Owner
We think it's safe to say that even though Radar's story started on a sad note, things turned out well for this little doggy in the end.

Not just that, but he is surely happy that his owner abandoned him because he now gets to live a happy life. Everything turned out for the best!
Adopting Pets
Radar's story is an incredible one and we're all glad it ended well. But unfortunately, not all abandoned dogs get happy endings like him.

This is why we advise everyone who wants to get a new pet to adopt one instead of buying one from the local pet store.
WIN-WIN Situation
Without a doubt, adopting a pet instead of buying one is a win-win situation. We can guarantee you that you would never regret it.

The pet gets a loving home and a family to care for him while the people who adopt the pet will get a doggy that is forever going to be grateful to them.
Turning Things Around
Another important thing that we can take from this story is that we should never give up on our loved ones, even though they might be dogs or cats.

Their health can always turn around and their mood will be better if they are treated with love. It basically changes their whole lives!
Another Awesome Story
From the looks of it, the thing that Radar lacked the most in his life was love. Everything turned for the better once he felt what being loved is like.

However, he's not the only pooch who went from having nothing to having it all. We’ve got a few more happy stories of old dogs getting a new home. Up next, a man who adopted not one, but eight senior dogs!
Awesome Story
Steve Greig has eight senior dogs around the house, who share the property with two rabbits, four chicken, a pig, two ducks and one turkey!

As crazy as it sounds, all of these animals get along together and they're nothing but one big family. And you’ll see it in the next Christmas photo!
Senior Dogs
Steve’s miniature Pinscher, Wolfgang, got hit by a car and the owner decided to adopt a shelter dog, but looked for the oldest ones that would be the first to be euthanized if not adopted within a certain period

“I wanted to teach kids that old is still cool,” Greig explained to 5280 Magazine . “You don’t just go out and get new; you appreciate the old”, he added. Now, let's get to know about Beth and Michael's story!
Donating To The Shelter
Beth and Michael Clark headed last November to the local animal shelter to donate blankets to keep dogs warm during the winter.

Then, Beth saw an old dog and couldn’t bear the thought of leaving him there: “I saw this gray-faced, skinny dog and I said to my husband, ‘We’re getting him.’ I was not about to leave that old man to die in a cage.”
Donating to the Shelter
Beth and Michael have enjoyed their years with 17-years old Rocky, sharing all those special moments together. He was able to meet his newborn human sister before his health got worse because of old age.

As you can see, there are plenty of great people out there giving old dogs a new chance at a better life, even though they know it could be a few extra weeks or months.
The Adorable Senior
If there's something you should've learned by know is that having a dog by your side is a blessing. They are loyal, and they’re making us better people

Now, what did you think of Radar’s story? Should his owner be banned from ever getting a new pet? And how much do you feel like adopting a pooch of your own?
A Blessing

What did you think of Radar’s story? Should his owner be banned from ever getting a new pet?