Girl Replaces Her Boyfriend With A Cat

A Breakup

Rylee Rae was going through a devastating breakup. She and her boyfriend had cut ties, and there was a void in her heart that she needed to be filled.

So she went online to find a new companion.


Once she went online, she came across Delores, the cat. The hairless cat was about two hours away from her and was looking for a new home.

She responded to the notice immediately.

Cat Person

Rae had always been a cat enthusiast and especially loved hairless cats.

When she and her boyfriend were together, they shared two hairless cats. However, once he left, he took them with him.

Looking Out

“I was looking for a hairless cat,” she tells The Dodo.

“I’ve loved hairless cats since I was a child and was scouring adoption sites for months.”

Adoption Page

Finally, after looking at adoption sites for months, she came across a hairless kitty named Delores.

“She is a Skinderlop, which is half Scottish Fold and Half Sphinx.” Delores was not doing well in her current home situation.


“She was being bullied (by other cats) and needed to be in a quiet home with no other pets. She was a perfect fit for our lifestyle,” Rae said.

Rae instantly knew that she needed Delores in her life, so she immediately responded to the post.


“The post was up for 20 minutes, and I messaged them and was like:

‘Please let me love her unconditionally for the rest of her days,’ and they said, ‘Absolutely.’ “


Finally, it was time for Rae to make the adoption official. So she took the drive over to Niagara Falls, which is where Delores was living.

So how did their first meeting going?

Amazing Connection

“_It was destiny_,” Rae says. “_We are soul mates_.” The two of them instantly connected, and Rae fell in love with Delores.

Everyone could see that these two were meant to be together.

First Meeting

“I saw her sitting in the window when we drove up to meet her. I came into the house and promptly set up camp on the floor, hoping she’d warm up to me.

Within minutes she was climbing up into my arms and I literally squealed with joy,” Rae told Love Meow.

Meant To Be

_“The second I looked into those green saucer eyes, I was infatuated. I knew from the moment she pressed her warm pink skin into my open hands that it was meant to be!”_

So Rae put her in the car with her, and they were off on the road.

So Happy

Rae is incredibly happy to have Delores in her life.

“_We are endlessly happy to be in each other's company. She brings me so much joy and happiness, and she laps up the constant affections with enthusiasm_.”

Cuddled Up

“She is happiest curled up in my lap or hanging out in a scarf doubled as a baby Bjorn style carrier, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Delores loves to cuddle up with her new mom, and Rae is happy to keep her warm.


Since Delores is a hairless cat, she can get pretty cold at times. So she loves to cuddle up under the blankets.

“_When she lays on you, she is like a hot water bottle_,” Rae says. “_And she sleeps under the blankets at night_.”


Delores is always affectionate and cuddly with her mother, and Rae is so happy about that!

“_She is always seeking out a lap or neck to snuggle into and is content being spoiled with your love_,” Rae told Love Meow.


“_She is clumsy and not at all graceful, but still manages to climb around the house on surfaces to get closer to you, meowing for more attention_.”

Rae also notes that Delores has blessed her life in more ways than one.

Unconditional Love

“She’s provided me with an outlet to love unconditionally, beyond the confines of humans.

She doesn’t have expectations or require reciprocation for all the good she brings into our lives, and it’s a beautiful thing,” Rae told Love Meow.

Keeping Warm

Rae loves Delores so much that she’s been growing more and more concerned about the cat’s well-being during winter.

“_I’m a little worried about the winter months, but I have my mother who is a fantastic knitter and is on the job to make us winter knits_,” Rae says.

Each Other

Together, Rae and Delores have each other whenever one is in need. “_She is a real-life chicken cherub angel sweetheart_,” Rae says.

“_That’s what she is_.” Rae is so grateful that she came across the post when she did.


“She’s pure happiness, and I’m grateful for her every day.”

Rae and Delores are continuing to live their happy lives together. Rae even uploads daily posts on her and Delores on her Instagram account!