Clever Toddler Saved His Collapsed Father By Force-Feeding Him This

#20. A Toddler Saved His Dad’s Life

Mark Jones, aged 34, who suffers a severe case of diabetes was saved by his own son. The quick-thinking three-year-old, Lenny-George Jones, managed to get his 34-year-old father’s sugar level up enough to save his life and get his glucose tablets.

While his father was having a diabetes crisis, this little child knew what to do to save him. Mark was lying unconscious on the kitchen floor when his baby boy did something completely unexpected.

#19. The Hero Of The Day

Meet the incredible kid, Lenny-George. He is 3 years old and after saving his father’s life, he became a hero!

“He saved his life,” his mom, Emma (31) said.“Mark is a Type 1 diabetic and has to take insulin four times a day.”

#18. A 34-Year-Old Father

Mark Jones has type 1 diabetes. His condition is so severe that he has to take insulin four times a day. He never thought that something like this could happen to him, but sadly, it did.

“It was a Sunday night, I needed to nip to my mum’s, which is literally two minutes around the corner by car, and I left them watching CBeebies together,” Emma told the Manchester Evening News.

#17. I’ll Be Back In 5 Minutes

It all happened when Emma, Mark’s wife left him home with the child. Leaving the house to run some errands, she knew that she will quickly return home to her family. But no one prepared her for what was about to happen.

Obviously, there are little to no details on what exactly went down there, but up next, our special narrator will fill you in!

#16. What’s Going On Here?

After she came back, it seemed strange that both Mark and Lenny-George were lying on the sofa. Trying not to panic, she got closer.

“I’d been out for about 30 minutes and when I got back they were lying on the sofa. Mark didn’t look well, so I said, ‘what’s going on here?’,” the mother continued.

#15. “I Saved Daddy!”

When Emma asked about the situation, Lenny-George said: ‘I saved daddy!’. Trying to wrap her head around what her child was trying to tell her, she took another look at her husband and asked for more detailed explanations.

“Lenny just turned to me and said ‘I saved daddy’, and it was true…Mark had collapsed and woken up on the kitchen floor after he had a hypo and Lenny was feeding him yogurt that he’d managed to get from the fridge,” the mother reported.

#14. He Knew What To Do

Even though the child was never told about Mark’s condition or how to react, he did something quite incredible to save his father’s life.

“It’s incredible what he’s done, and how he knew to do it – we are so proud! “He saved his life.”

Some of you might be wondering how would a 3-year-old reach for the yogurt? Well…

“How he’d got them out of the fridge I have no idea, but his little blue wooden chair was next to it so it looked like he’d dragged it over to stand on it.”

#13. Something Sweet

Lenny-George grabbed the Muller Yogurt from the fridge and fed his dad while he laid unconscious.

The sweet yogurt helped Mark to raise his sugar level high enough so he could stand up and take his tablets. This is how the kid managed to feed his nearly unconscious father…

#12. An Alternative Option

“Mark had collapsed and woken up on the kitchen floor after he had a hypo and Lenny was feeding him yogurt that he’d managed to get from the fridge,” the mother explained.

Although he wasn’t able to find the silverware, the baby thought about his plastic knife from the play-kitchen and used it to put the yogurt in his father’s mouth.

#11. A Proud Mom

Emma, the 31-year-old mom could not be prouder of her little treasure Lenny who managed to save the day.

“Lenny is a proper character, really funny. It’s incredible what he’s done, and how he knew to do it. We are so proud!”

But why eating yogurt saved his life? Well…Emma believes Lenny must have watched her heading to the fridge and then feeding Mark yogurt when he was feeling unwell.

#10. Children Are Intuitive

Incredibly, this child was never told what to do if his father became unwell. However, lots of children are gifted and know how to adapt to life-threatening situations by copying their parents. Since Mark wasn’t feeling good in the past, Emma always took food from the fridge to give him. It might have been just pure luck.

“But he does have a mischievous side, a typical little boy running around at 100mph and never listening to his mum which is why it’s so much more amazing what he’s done!” Emma revealed in an interview.

#9. Happy Events

“It could’ve been a completely different scenario if he’d been in bed or Lenny hadn’t done what he did. He could’ve ended up in a diabetic coma.”

If both the dad and son were in bed or if Lenny-George hadn’t done what he did, Mark could’ve ended up in a diabetic coma. Here’s why just a little bit of yogurt could save someone’s life if they have diabetes!

#8. Know More About Diabetes Type 1

“Type 1 diabetes, once known as juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes, is a chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. Insulin is a hormone needed to allow sugar (glucose) to enter cells to produce energy” (

When you have type 1 diabetes your body doesn’t produce much insulin and your blood sugar levels get too high. Without insulin, too much glucose stays in your blood. Fortunately, there a few things that could be done to prevent this from happening.

#7. How Can You Cure It?

There is no cure but exercises can help you reduce your blood sugar without medication. Exercise regularly for good results because people with diabetes need to manage their disease in order to stay functional.

“Sadly, there is no way to prevent it either, but researchers are “working on preventing the disease or further destruction of the islet cells in people who are newly diagnosed.” (Source:

#6. Diabetic Coma

If you have diabetes, this is a life-threatening emergency situation: you are unresponsive and unconscious. It may be triggered by two causes: either high blood glucose (hyperglycemia) or low blood glucose (hypoglycemia).

People with type 1 diabetes can also have episodes of hypoglycemia. In such situations, it’s best to drink or eat something sweet. This is why Mark recovered after eating the sweet yogurt.

#5. Benefits Of Yogurt

“Yogurt is a dairy product made by fermenting milk with a yogurt culture. It provides protein and calcium, and it may enhance healthy gut bacteria.” (Source:

Yogurt provides many health benefits; it can be a great breakfast, snack or ‘dessert’ which keeps blood sugar levels lower and stabilized.

#4. It’s Even Good For Skin

Yogurt’s properties had always been good for your skin’s health. It can be included in your face cream or even scrub.

The lactic acid contained in yogurt dissolves dead skin cells. A gentle exfoliation helps prevent breakouts as well as providing a natural glow and diminishing lines and wrinkles.

#3. Worst Case Scenario

This story could have had a different ending if the kid wasn’t already used to his father’s condition; or if he was already in bed sleeping while his father was having a seizure.

Let’s assume for a second that he couldn’t find a spoon or something he could use to force-feed the yogurt to his dad… In situations like this, every minute counts.

#2. Little Sponges

Instead of paying attention to his toys, he decided to act quickly in order to save his dad, although he wasn’t fully understanding what was going on with him.

More often than not, we are not giving kids enough credit and we are playing down their intelligence and ability to learn. “Kids are like sponges,” they say and as this story shows, it is absolutely true. Do not underestimate kids and also, be mindful about what you might be teaching them

#1. Happy Family

The family is now doing really well, Mark’s condition is under control, and for sure they will never forget how their kid saved his father’s life.

“Lenny is a proper character, really funny. It’s incredible what he’s done, and how he knew to do it. We are so proud!”