These Are The Most Terrifying Villains In Movie History

20. Michael Myers

What better way to kick things off other than with Michael Myers? He is the original horror movie psychopath and the mask that he wears is terrifying! Michael Myers first made his appearance in the original Halloween movie and Rob Zombie is now using him in nearly all of his movies.

19. T-1000

Many people fail to realize this, but the Terminator movies were meant to be scary. Robert Patrick is the name of the actor who plays T-1000 in Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991) and he does a great job of bringing to life the terrifying cyborg who is sent on a mission to take out Arnold Schwarzenegger’s famous Terminator.

18. Freddy Krueger

Everyone who loves watching horror movies knows who Freddy Krueger is. The first time that this villain appeared on the big screen was back in 1984 in the movie A Nightmare On Elm Street. Fredy Krueger is the original boogeyman!

17. Penny Wise

Tim Curry usually played comedic roles and this is why he shocked everyone when he took on the role of the infamous Penny Wise in the first version of It which released back in 1990. Thanks to Tim Curry’s great acting skills and Stephen King’s amazing novel, the movie was a massive success.

16. Chucky

Do you remember the movie Child’s Play? This movie released back in 1988 and it taught everyone that we should never leave toys out of sight. The role of Chucky was played by Brad Dourif and he did an incredible job of giving nightmares to everyone who watched the movie.

15. Thanos

You had to know that Thanos was going to appear on our list. This villain is played by Josh Brolin and he was so powerful that he managed to defeat The Avengers. Without him, superheroes such as Captain America and Iron Man would have never reached their peak strength levels.

14. Magneto

Since we previously talked about Thanos, we have to include Magneto on our list as well. This is the biggest villain that the X-Men fight against and despite his superhuman powers, his cunning is what makes him stand out. Magneto was always planning and scheming against the X-Men.

13. Bill

If you are a fan of Quentin Tarantino’s movies, then Bill doesn’t need an introduction. This villain is so evil that the entire Kill Bill series is named after him. David Carradine is the name of the actor who plays Bill and he did an outstanding job!

12. Norman Stansfield

Leon: The Professional is a classic movie that millions of people love. One of the reasons why the movie did so well at the box office is because Gary Oldman took the role of Normal Stansfield who is one of the most terrifying movie villains ever.

11. Agent Smith

The Matrix is such an amazing trilogy that it changed the movie industry forever with its special effects and complicated plot. Hugo Weaving’s Agent Smith is a remorseless enforcer who sends shivers down people’s spine whenever he appears on screen because he is always up to no good.

10. Norman Bates

Horror movie fans will agree with us when we say that the movie Psycho which released back in 1960 is a classic! This is all thanks to Norman Bates who is the terrifying villain of the movie. Not just that, but the movie shows us just how good Alfred Hitchcock was as a director.

9. Palpatine

The Stars Wars Saga (1983-2005) is all a fight against Palpatine who is played by Ian McDiarmid.  Palpatine is the man who is in charge of Darth Vader and he is controlling the entire galaxy through his sneaky political manipulation and by brainwashing everyone who joins the Sith.

8. Hannibal Lecter

Anthony Hopkins is an incredible actor and one of his best roles is Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs which released back in 1991. He is one of the first cannibals to make an appearance in horror movies and his genius mind is downright terrifying!

7. Alex

A Clockwork Orange released back in 1971 and it’s considered to be the best work that Stanley Kubrick ever did. The villain named Alex played an important role in the movie’s success. Behind all that charisma, Alex is a monster who does terrifying things without giving a second thought.

6. Amy Dunne

Rosamund Pike took on the role of Amy Dunne in Gone Girl and she terrified everyone with how calm and collected she was when coming up with an elaborate plan to frame her husband for murder. This is a great movie that we recommend everyone to watch.

5. Anthon Chigurh

Javier Bardem is a great actor and the movie No Country for Old Men allowed him to showcase his acting chops. The famous actor played the role of Anton Chigurh who is a psychopath that will kill anyone who stands in his way on the flip of a coin.

4. Jack Torrance

Jack Nicholson is one of the best actors that the world has ever seen and the role that made him a world-renowned star was the one of Jack Torrance in the movie The Shinning. The famous “Here comes Johnny” line comes from this movie.

3. Gollum

You will first feel sorry when you see Gollum. However, you should never trust the wicked Middle-Earth character because he is evil! Gollum was twisted by the power of the One Ring and he should never be trusted, as Frodo and the fellowship quickly learn.

2. Voldermort

Voldermort or “the one who shall not be named” is another amazing movie villain that is loved by fans. Everyone in the Harry Potter universe is so terrified by this villain that they never speak his name.

1. Loki

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has lots of interesting villains, but there aren’t any as charismatic as Tom Hiddlestone’s Loki. This villain is a trickster who possesses magical abilities that allow him to shapeshift and do many other cool things. This makes it really difficult for The Avengers to find and defeat him.